Antifriction and wear resistance of tin diffusion coating on brass

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kiddlau2
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After brass is coated with tin, heat treatment makes the coating metal Sn and the substrate metallic elements Cu and Zn diffuse with each other. This causes the coating composition to be changed and the interface to be strengthened. The diffusion coating with a multiphase structure formed by this process has excellent properties of antifriction and wear resistance. With the aid of scanning electron microscopy, electronic probe microanalysis and X ray diffraction, the mechanism of the properties is discussed. After brass is coated with tin, heat treatment makes the coating metal Sn and the substrate metallic elements Cu and Zn diffuse with each other. The diffusion coating with a multiphase structure formed by this process has excellent properties of antifriction and wear resistance. With the aid of scanning electron microscopy, electronic probe microanalysis and X ray diffraction, the mechanism of the properties is discussed.
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