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梅园位于无锡西郊,遥临太湖,背倚龙山翠屏,环境优美宜人。梅园始建于1912年,原植梅约千株,占地81亩。解放后经逐年扩建,现有梅树四千余株,还有梅桩500余盆,计54个品种,占地800余亩。因园内广植梅花而得名,是闻名中外的太湖风景名胜之一。巧具匠心的梅景布局梅园的整体布局是以梅饰山,倚山建园,亭阁参差,曲径蜿蜒,精巧的园林建筑错落在疏密有致的梅丛中,浑然一体,既观花,又赏果。踏进园门,一架紫藤花棚引路,老藤盘曲蔓延,在古柏掩映之下,大石上写有“梅花”两字,这是建园初期园主荣德生先生所书。顺山路而上,绕过一片草坪,迎面一座六角亭称为天心台,取自“梅花点点皆天心”之句。亭前有三块太湖石,面南屹立,造形美观,称为米襄阳拜石,是清代大学士、金坛人于敏中园内 Meiyuan is located in the western suburbs of Wuxi, Taiyuan Lake, back Longshan Cuiping, beautiful and pleasant environment. Meiyuan was built in 1912, the original planted May about 1,000, covering 81 acres. After its liberation, it has been expanded year by year. It has more than 4,000 existing plum trees, more than 500 pots with more than 54 varieties and covers an area of ​​800 mu. It is famous for its famous plum blossom in the park and is one of the famous scenic spots in Taihu Lake at home and abroad. Qiao with ingenuity of the Meijia layout Meiyuan the overall layout of the plum decorated Hill, Hill Park built, pavilions, winding meandering, delicate garden architecture scattered in dense plum Cong, seamless, both seamless, both Flower viewing, and reward fruit. Step into the Garden Gate, a Wisteria shed lead the way, the old vine rattan spread, set off under the Cooper, the big stone wrote “plum” word, which is the founder of the park owner Mr. Rong Desheng book. Shun Hill Road, bypassing a lawn, a hexagonal kiosks called Tianxin Taiwan, taken from the “little plum blossom heart” sentence. Pavilion in front of three Taihu Shi, South stand surface, beautiful appearance, known as Mi Xiangyang stone, is a Qing dynasty, Jintan Yu Min in the park
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解磷注射液由军内转为民用后,我院1992年5~8月份共收治有机磷中毒患者10例,均采用新疗法〔解磷注射液(Ⅰ组)〕。与传统疗法〔阿托品(Ⅱ组)〕对照,效果显著,现报告如下。 Phos