Effect of Compound Recipe Gengniankang (更年康) on Senile Sexual Hormone and Expression of Estrogen Rec

来源 :中国中西医结合杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weishoukai
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Objective: To compare the therapeutic effect of Compound Recipe Gengniankang (更年康,GNK) with that of hormone replacement treatment (HRT) on climacteric female rats with osteoporosis, and to investigate the roles of estrogen and estrogen receptors in the mechanism of osteoporosis. Methods: Climac-teric female rats with osteoporosis were chosen and divided into three groups (GNK group, HRT group and control group). Apoptosis of ovarian granulose cells was measured by terminal-deoxynucleotidyl transferae mediated nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay. Serum level of estrdiol (E2), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) were determined by the method of radioimmunoassay (RIA). Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCT) technology was used to evaluate the expression of estrogen receptor (ER) in bone. Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured by double energy X-ray absorption (DEXA). Results: In the climacteric rats, BMD, serum E2, ER mRNA expression in bone decreased remarkably, and serum FSH, LH and apoptosis of ovarian granulose cells increased obviously. After treating with GNK, all the indexes were reversed except serum E2. The increase of E2 was not significant. Conclusion:GNK is effective on climacteric osteoporosis female rats. Its role is performed not by increasing serum E2 but by enhancing ER in the bone and inhibiting apoptosis of ovarian granulose cells. GNK can deter further exhaustion of ovarian function.
该枪采用浮置式枪管,枪管长457mm,其是开有散热槽,消焰器通过螺纹安装在枪管口部。机匣顶部及护手四周均设有皮卡汀尼导轨。图中机匣上方装有刘坡尔德Mark 4瞄准镜,护手前下
它的口径采用枪械极限的20mm,配用弹药取自高射炮弹。如此大口径、大威力,使得该枪结构也与众不同-- It uses the caliber of the gun’s 20mm, with ammunition from the a
目的 建立利多卡因氯己定气雾剂无菌检查法.方法 按2010年版中国药典无菌检查法验证试验的有关要求,通过接种阳性试验菌株,对添加中和剂去除利多卡因氯己定抗菌活性的实验方