
来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:como
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  The next day is Friday and I go to school again. I go to this class not only because of our teacher. I like this class because there are students from many different countries in our class. Some students are from Europe. Some students are from South America. There is also one student from Japan and one from South Korea in my class. This is good for me because the students don’t speak my native2 language. When I speak to them, I have to use English. It is very good for my practice.
  Today, we have another new student in our class. Her name is Sofia. She is from Argentina3. At the beginning of the lesson, Sofia says that she doesn’t have a talent for studying languages, but she wants to work hard to improve4.
  My teacher asks her, “Why do you think that you don’t have a talent?” She answers, “I think that I don’t have a talent because my sister learns English very fast but for me it is difficult.”
  Then our teacher asks everybody in the class, “Do you think that you have a talent for learning languages? Please put your hand up if you believe that you have a talent.”
  I look around the class and nobody puts their hands up.
  My teacher smiles, then she says, “Now, I want to tell you something. Many people think that you need to have a talent if you really want to learn a new language. I agree5. But I also believe that you already have a talent for learning languages.
  Why do you have a talent? You have a talent because you already learnt one language, which is your native language. You were successful6 at learning your native language and you speak that language fluently7. All people who are able to learn their native language have a talent for learning languages.
  Why do many students believe that they are not talented? The reason is this. There are people who are super-talented. Yes, it is true. These super-talented people remember new words very fast. Maybe you know these people. Maybe it is somebody at your work or in your family. There are not many of these people but they are real. I believe that this can be Sofia’s sister as well. Learning a new language is fun for these people and they can do it easily.”   为什么许多学生认为自己没有天赋?原因是这样的。有些人非常有天赋。是的,是真的。这些超级有天赋的人很快就能记住新单词。也许你认识这些人,也许是你的同事或者家人。这些人并不多,但他们真的存在。我相信这也可能是索非亚的姐姐。学习新语言对这些人来说很有趣,他们可以轻松地做到这一点。”
  Sofia says that it is true, that her sister is really better than everyone else.
  Our teacher goes on, “It is true that these super-talented people are real. It is a fact and we cannot do anything about it. But it is not a problem. The problem is that we compare8 ourselves to these people and if we don’t learn as fast as they do, we will think that we are not talented. I want to tell you one thing. Please do not compare yourself to these super-talented people. Yes, they are lucky and they have an advantage9, but you can be lucky too and you are super-talented at doing other things. Maybe you are more talented than others when you learn to sing, swim, play tennis, count numbers, cook, or repair cars. People are not all the same. It is a beauty10 of this world.
  Now, you can believe that you are also talented, maybe not super-talented, but talented. When you believe that you are talented, learning English will be easier for you.”
  These words from our teacher are very helpful for us. I know that I am talented at playing football and tennis. Now I know that I am also talented at learning English. It is great.
写作作为高中英语学习中重要的输出环节,与听、说、读、看等同等重要,甚至远比其他语言技能更难提高。HOW TO TEACH ENGLSH 《怎样教英语》(外语教学研究出版社)中“How should teachers correct writing?”提到的“over correction”即“过度修改”,是一线教师在批阅写作时的一大通病。从头到尾的红笔勾划, 满目疮痍,体无完肤的试卷,不仅没有起到