随着科学技术档案事业的发展,全国各省、市城建档案馆已接收进馆大量城建工程竣工档案。工程竣工档案包括建筑工程竣工档案和市政、公用工程竣工档案。由于工程规模大小不同,工作阶段不同,工作程度不同产生的档案数量也不同,随之而来的立卷方法也不尽一致。各省市城建档案馆,实际工作中虽然各自形成了一套关于工程竣工档案的立卷标准,但由于国家一直没有对一个案卷的构成形式提出系统要求,缺少统一的控制措施,因此,一定程度上影响丁档案的利用和各项业务管理。 1990年7月1日发布实施的《科学技术档案案卷构成的一般要求》(以下简称《一般要求》),将使我国科学技术档案实现完整、准确、系统有了可靠依据。
With the development of scientific and technological archives, the urban construction archives of all provinces and municipalities in China have already received a large number of completed archives of urban construction projects. Project completion files include the completion of construction files and municipal, public works completed files. Due to the different size of the project, the different stages of work, different levels of work produce a different number of files, followed by the method of legislation is not the same. Although the state has never put forward systematic requirements on the form of a case file and lacks unified control measures, it has, to a certain extent, Affect the use of Ding files and various business management. The “General Requirements for the Archives of Science and Technology Archives” (hereinafter referred to as the “General Requirements”) promulgated and implemented on July 1, 1990 will bring about a complete and accurate examination of the archives of science and technology in our country and provide a reliable basis for the system.