A Domain Knowledge Driven Approach for User Interface Software Development

来源 :Journal of Computer Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ifeelart
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A domain knowledge driven user interface development approach is described.As a conceptual de-sign of the user interface,the domain knowledge defines the user interface in terms of objects,actionsand their relationships that the user would use to interact with the application system.It also serves asinput to a user interface management system(UIMS)and is the kernel of the target user interface.The principal ideas and the implementation techniques of the approach is discussed.The user interfacemodel,user interface designer oriented high-level specification notation,and the transformation algorithmson domain knowledge are presented. A domain knowledge driven user interface development approach is described. As a conceptual de-sign of the user interface, the domain knowledge defines the user interface in terms of objects, actions and their relationships that the user would use to interact with the application system. It also serves as input to a user interface management system (UIMS) and is the kernel of the target user interface. The principal ideas and the implementation techniques of the approach is discussed. user interfacemodel, user interface designer oriented high-level specification notation, and the transformation algorithmson domain knowledge are presented.
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