
来源 :艺术与设计(理论) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kevinlynx
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在文化意识日益流失的今天,作为反映某种意图、目的的设计来说,隐形的体现文化氛围是至关重要的。我们身边的设计,包括产品、包装、字体、海报等等,人们往往注意其表现形式和表现语言,对其传承的文化意蕴却视而不见。看起来微不足道的设计其实是某种文化形态的体现,包含了人类智慧和某个民族的文化精神。 Today, with the loss of cultural awareness, as a reflection of the design of a certain purpose and purpose, it is very important to embody the cultural atmosphere invisibly. The design around us, including products, packaging, fonts, posters and so on, people often pay attention to their manifestations and expressions of language, but ignore the cultural connotation of their heritage. Looks trivial design is actually a manifestation of a cultural form, contains the human wisdom and a nation’s cultural spirit.
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