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主持人语十几年前,我参加聊城建国四十年文艺作品评奖。那似乎是全市第一次文艺评奖,在检阅那时期聊城文学创作成就的同时,也通过一些作品感到,聊城文学底蕴深厚,存在很大发展潜力。不少年轻作者起点高,视野宽,艺术表现力强,生活基础深厚,稍加点拨,将会有很好的发展前景。2011年的评奖我因事外出,没有参与,听参加评奖的专家说,有些作品确实很好。其后便得到证实,山东文艺最高奖——泰山文艺奖,本次评选出优秀作品50部,聊城便有4位同志获奖,囊括了诗歌、散文、小说和纪实文学四种体裁。全省有17个地市,聊城获奖数量与人才济济的省会城市济南相当,可谓大丰收。消息传来,聊城文艺界欢欣鼓舞,聊城大学文学院也受到影响。近几年来,我们与市文联的赵安民主席等时常交流,决定校地联袂促进聊城文学艺术发展,也让学院师生感受一下底层作家的创作实际,就近了解当下中国作家的创作情况。近日,我们邀请张军、乌以强、范玮、谭登坤以及臧利敏等获奖作家与学院师生座谈。以下文章,是部分老师座谈前后写的。文中所谈,无论个案分析还是宏观扫描,对了解聊城作家的创作风貌,并以此为视窗管窥全省乃至全国作家的创作风貌,均具有些启示意义。——石兴泽 Moderator ten years ago, I participated in 40 years Liaocheng founding literary awards. It seems that the city’s first literary award, in reviewing the achievements of Liaocheng literature during that period, but also through some works feel, Liaocheng profound literature, there is great potential for development. Many young writers start high, wide field of vision, strong artistic expression, deep-seated life, a little more, there will be very good prospects for development. 2011 awards I went out of business, did not participate, listen to participate in the award-winning experts said that some works really good. Since then, it has been confirmed that the top prize of Shandong literature and art - the Taishan Literary Award, this time selected 50 outstanding works, four comrades in Liaocheng won the prize, covering four genres of poetry, prose, fiction and documentary literature. There are 17 prefectures and cities in the province. The number of award-winning projects in Liaocheng is comparable to that of Jinan, the capital city with abundant talents. It is indeed a bumper harvest. The news came, Liaocheng literary and art circles rejoiced, Liaocheng University College of Arts has also been affected. In recent years, we and the Federation of Literary and Art Circles Zhao Anmin and other exchanges frequently, decided to jointly promote the development of Liaocheng school of literature and art, but also let the college teachers and students feel the author’s writing practice, get to know the current situation of Chinese writers. Recently, we invited Zhang Jun, Wu Yiqiang, Fan Wei, Tan Dengkun and Zang Limin and other award-winning writers and faculty teachers and students to discuss. The following article, written by some teachers before and after the seminar. The article talked about, whether case analysis or macro-scanning, to understand the creative style of Liaocheng writers, and as a window for a peek into the creative style of the province and the country’s writers, have some enlightenment. - Shi Xing Ze