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一、兵团喷油泵标准油量传递系统的建立在石河子农学院维修实验室中建立了兵团喷油泵标准油量传递调试中心标准间,以统一全兵团喷油泵调试规范,开展兵团喷油泵标准油量传递工作,并对其有关技术问题进行研究和推广.调试中心标准间配置有上海柴油机厂产的标准喷油器总成、BH2B90型标准喷油泵和12PSD—55型标准喷油泵试验台,以此作为喷油泵标准油量传递的工艺基准.为了保持其基准组件的精度,用BⅡ型喷油泵复制出工艺标准泵.用来校验各师Ⅱ级标准间的工艺标准喷油器总成.同时为了适应目前兵团老东方幻.12.3MPa喷油器系列保有量最多的状况,调试中心标准间配置了洛阳一拖老东方红12.3MPa的工艺标准喷油器总成及ZHB型工艺喷油泵.在此复制出BⅡ工艺标准泵,以此来校验各师Ⅱ级标准间老东方红12.3MPa的工艺喷油器总成.这样可以准确、方便地进行对保有量最多的4125、4115系列发动机的BⅡ型及ZHB型喷油泵总成的标准油量值的传递与调试工作.对目前尚大量使用的老东方红12.3MPa的喷油器总成及其 A Corps fuel pump standard fuel delivery system established In the Shihezi Agricultural College Maintenance Laboratory Corps fuel pump standard fuel delivery to set up a standard test center to regulate the Corps fuel pump debugging specifications to carry out Corps fuel injection pump standard oil Transmission work, and technical issues related to its research and promotion of the commissioning center standard room configuration with the Shanghai Diesel Engine Factory standard injector assembly, BH2B90 standard fuel injection pump and 12PSD-55 standard fuel injection pump test bench, as a As a standard fuel delivery pump delivery process in order to maintain the accuracy of its reference components, with B Ⅱ type pump copy process standard pump used to check the division Ⅱ standard process standard injector assembly. At the same time In order to adapt to the current Corps old Oriental magic .12.3MPa injector series to maintain the status of most of the debugging center standard configuration of the Luoyang Yituo Dongfanghong 12.3MPa process standard injector assembly and ZHB-type process fuel pump. This copy of the B Ⅱ standard process pump, in order to verify the division Ⅱ standard old Dongfanghong 12.3MPa process injector assembly. This can be accurate and convenient to Paul The largest amount of 4125,4115 series BⅡ type of engine and fuel pump assembly ZHB type of standard transmission and oil values ​​commissioning. For Injector Assembly old Dongfanghong 12.3MPa currently still widely used and
古交市位于山西省太原市西北部,是全国最大的主焦煤生产基地,也是吕梁山东麓的交通枢纽和商品集散地,连接省城太原和晋西北的现代化工矿城市。 Gujiao City is located in t
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