
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cjfalx
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全國已有不少城市和廠礦企業舉辦了職工業餘中學。到一九五四年底,全國參加職工業餘中學學習的職工已有二十六萬人。有些工業城市和較大廠礦,職工業餘中學的發展速度較快,如旅大市一九五二年僅有職工業餘中學學員三、三○四人,一九五四年增加到二八、三七七人,增加了將近八點六倍;太原鋼廠一九五○年僅有一個業餘初中班,五十名學員,一九五四年發展到四十九個中學班,二、○四○名學員,增加了四十倍。 幾年來,各地舉辦的職工業餘中學,已成爲具有初等文化程度的職工接受中等文化科學敎育的重要的業餘學習組織,對於提高職工的文化科學知識水平、培養幹部和推動生產起了不小的作用。羣众稱職工業餘中學是進大學、學技術、當幹部的「關口」和「鑰匙」。鞍鋼職工業餘中學幾年來畢業的一、一五三名學員(其中初中一、一○三名,高中五○名),有百分之九十五分別升入了業餘高 Many cities and factories and mines in the country have held amateur secondary schools. By the end of 1954, there had been 260,000 workers participating in the work of amateur secondary schools throughout the country. In some industrial cities and larger factories and mines, the development of amateur secondary schools for workers and staff has been developing at a rapid rate. For instance, there were only 3 or 304 trainees in amateur secondary schools in Lvda in 1952, up to 28 and 19 in 1954 77 people, an increase of nearly 8.6 times. In 1950, Taiyuan Steel only had only one amateur junior middle school and 50 trainees. In 1954, the school developed to 49 middle-school classes, ○ a student, an increase of forty times. Over the past few years, amateur secondary schools held by staff and workers across the country have become important amateur learning organizations that accept workers of medium-level cultural sciences and education, and have played an important role in raising the level of cultural and scientific knowledge among the workers, training cadres and promoting production effect. The masses said that staff amateur secondary schools are “junctions” and “keys” for entering universities, learning technology and becoming cadres. One to one and a half a dozen students who graduated from Ansteel staff amateur middle school in recent years (of which 1,030 were middle and junior high school and 50 were graduates from high school), 95% of them respectively went to amateur high