1+1>2 “影游联动”的“势能叠加”论

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《花千骨》《琅琊榜》《芈月传》等现象级大剧火后,根据电视剧开发的手游作为它们的周边衍生品也发展得几家欢喜几家愁,在IP大剧遍地开花的当下,“影游联动”不是热词,但它的重要程度恰恰表明它是电视剧IP开发庞大产业链的积极分子,而“影游联动”的“势能叠加”论也是想表达1+1>2。 After the fireworks of the Phenomenon-level Drama such as Flower Bone, Langya Bang and Moonlit Biography, handwashing based on the drama developed as their peripheral derivatives also developed several happy worries and flourished in the IP drama At the moment, “movie linkage ” is not a hot word, but its importance is precisely that it is the IP drama developer of a huge industrial chain activists, and "movie link Express 1 + 1> 2.
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