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外婆走路的时候,两手摆动的幅度很大,一旦上路便脚下生风地往前赶。与我外婆一起赶路的还有清江和石板溪,清江结束上游流程在与招徕河、三背河、石板溪汇合后形成一长滩——珠涡坑,本来是绿茵如镜的河,在这里形成了两公里长的险滩,放排人称这里是鬼门关,在这里能听到江河怒吼的声音,时而宁静闲雅,时而汹涌澎湃就形成了清江的个性。外婆必定是吸纳了太多的清江气息的缘故,她除了赶路、干活时像清江滩涂外,她也 Grandmother walked, both hands swinging a large extent, once the foot of the road to move forward to catch the wind. Along with my grandmother hurry there are Qingjiang and Shiban River, Qingjiang end of the upstream process with the attracting river, three back, stone plate Creek formed after the merger of a long beach - beads volute pit, originally green as a mirror of the river, formed here A two-kilometer-long rapids, the release of people here is the gate of hell, where you can hear the voice of the roar of the river, sometimes quiet and elegant, and sometimes surging to form a Qingjiang’s personality. Grandmother must have absorbed too much of the Qingjiang flavor of the reason, in addition to her hurry, when working like Qingjiang beach, she also
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也许你没有见过火山爆发,但是你可以想像那种状况,炽烈的岩浆淹没了经过的土地,巨大的落尘掩埋了所有的生机。一旦火山爆发,要经过数十年的岁月才能清除灾难之后的痕迹。 Ma
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