
来源 :机械工业信息与网络 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dashao1
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信息技术是现代生产力飞跃发展和加速 知识传播的主要驱动力,经济全球化和全球信 息化的形势,必然使国际竞争日趋激烈。我国 政府高度重视信息技术在社会各行各业的普 及应用,信息化“十一五”规划是“十一五”我 国经济发展中一项重要的专项规划。“十一 五”期间,我国信息化建设全面普及应用的时 机成熟,更加强调信息技术与经济发展各领 域的深度融合,更加突出信息资源的开发与 利用。总之,“十一五”期间信息化建设面临着 国际和国内历史性的机遇,但是同时也需要 对信息化建设的长期性和艰巨性做好充分的 认识和准备。 本期围绕“十一五”企业信息化的发展 主旋律,邀请专家进行了探讨,重点报道对 信息化规划中的生态思考、信息化改造传统 产业的重点任务以及信息资源开发利用等 方面内容。 Information technology is the main driving force for the rapid development of modern productive forces and the acceleration of knowledge dissemination. The situation of economic globalization and global informationization will inevitably make international competition increasingly fierce. The Chinese government attaches great importance to the popularization and application of information technology in all walks of life in society. The “Eleventh Five-year Plan” for informatization is an important special plan in the 11th Five-Year Plan for China’s economic development. During the “11th Five-Year Plan” period, the time is ripe for the comprehensive popularization and application of China’s informationization construction, more emphasis on the in-depth integration of information technology and economic development in various fields, and more emphasis on the development and utilization of information resources. In short, the informatization construction during the 11th Five-Year Plan will face both international and domestic historic opportunities, but at the same time it also needs to fully understand and prepare the long-term and arduous nature of informationization. This issue revolves around the development theme of “11th Five-year” enterprise informatization and invites experts to discuss it. It mainly reports on the ecological thinking in informatization planning, the key tasks of informatization in transforming traditional industries, and the exploitation and utilization of information resources.
编辑同志:我厂是生产板材的工厂,生产过程中我们用的是蒸汽锅炉。这种锅炉可能会有哪些事故?浙江吴杰吴杰先生:来函收悉。 Edit comrades: I plant is the production of sh
方法 前瞻性普伐他汀荟萃研究(PPP)的数据来自以下三个试验;WOSCOPS(West Of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study,西苏格兰冠心病预防研究),CARE(Cholesterol And Recurren