
来源 :中国职工教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:minglinjiang
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21世纪的竞争,归根到底就是人才的竞争。中国能否成为人们理想中的国度,能否在国际上树立更高的威望,中国企业能否在强手如林的国际市场立于不败之地,除去政策的因素,就在于人才的凝聚,就在于当今青年素质的高低程度。就目前企业青工队伍而言,总体素质是好的,但不能说是高的。笔者就此谈一孔之见: 一、对当前青工素质状况的分析 当前企业青工素质不高主要表现在以下几个方面: ——文化知识偏低。改革开放以来,随着我国经济建设的飞 In the final analysis, competition in the 21st century is talent competition. Whether China can become an ideal country for people, whether it can establish a higher prestige in the world, whether Chinese enterprises can make an invincible position in the powerful international market, and the factors that remove the policy lies in the cohesion of talents, It lies in the level of the quality of today’s youth. As far as the current youth enterprise teams are concerned, the overall quality is good, but it can not be said to be high. I would like to talk about a hole in the opinion: First, the current status of young workers in the analysis of the current quality of young workers is not high mainly in the following areas: - Low cultural knowledge. Since the reform and opening up, with the economic development of our country
浙江省嵊州市防火涂料厂创建于 1987年 ,是我国较早生产防火涂料的专业厂家之一。工厂注重技术进步与人才引进 ,职工整体素质较高 ,具有大中专文化程度及各类专业技术人员占
1 .协会的网址是bttp/www .issmge .org/ ,用之可获得该协会有关资料。2 .各分协会如有新闻欢迎用e mail邮寄secretary .general @issmge .org3.协会前任总秘书Dr.R .H .G .Parry于去年六月退休。新任总秘书为R .N 1. The association’
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笔者自1986年1月至1994年5月自拟“排石汤”并配合西药治疗肾结石87例,现将治疗结果报导如下。1 一般资料 87例患者均为我院隹院病人,男性48例,女性39例,其中15—20岁者17例
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