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  一、 if引导的虚拟条件句
  1. 对现在情况的假设
  主句通常用过去将来时(其中构成过去将来时的would有时也可换成should, might, could),从句则用一般过去时。如:
  If I had to make a guess, I d say Sam was the youngest. 要是让我猜,我会说萨姆最小。
  If Freud were alive today, he would approve of our methods. 要是弗洛伊德今天还活着,他会同意我们的方法。
  If I had my time over again, I d probably do exactly the same things. 如果人生从头来过,我很可能还会做同样的事。
  另外,注意if it were not for...(若不是,要是没有)这一句式。如:
  If it were not for his wife s money, he d never be a director. 如果不是他妻子有钱,他永远不会成为一个董事。
  The earth would be a frozen ball if it were not for the radiant heat of the sun. 如果没有太阳辐射的热量,地球就会变成一个冰球。
  2. 对过去情况的假设
  主句通常用过去将来完成时(其中构成过去将来完成时的would有时也可换成should, might, could),从句则用过去完成时。如:
  If I d had time, I would have gone to see Graham. 如果那时我有时间的话,我本来会去看望格雷厄姆的。
  If I d known you were coming, I would have had a meal ready for you. 如果我早知你会来,我就会为你准备好饭了。
  I don t like to think what might have happened if he d been driving any faster. 我不愿意去想假如他再开快些会怎么样。
  另外,注意if it hadn t been for...(若不是,要是没有)这一句式。如:
  If it hadn t been for the freezing wind and blinding snow, the rescue party could have reached the injured man before nightfall. 如果没有寒冷的狂风和炫目的大雪,营救队是可能在天黑前到达受伤者那里的。
  3. 对将来情况的假设
  主句通常用过去将来时(其中构成过去将来时的would有时也可换成should, might, could),从句则用一般过去时或用were to do sth这样的形式。如:
  If Sue were to make an effort, she could do better. 要是苏努力的话,她会做得好一些的。
  If he improved his IT skills, he d easily get a job. 如果他提高了信息技术技能,就容易找工作了。
  If Luke paid more attention in class, he would get better results. 如果卢克在上课时更专心一些,他会考得更好些。
  顺便说一句,有时even if 也可引出谓语动词为虚拟语气的从句。如:
  I d never sell this painting, even if they offered me a million dollars. 即使他们给我出价100万美元,我也绝不会卖掉这幅画。
  二、 虚拟语气省略倒装句
  if 引导的虚拟条件句,有时可以省略连词if,而把had, were, should等提到句首,从而构成部分倒装。如:
  Had I been informed earlier, I could have done something. 如果早一点通知我,我还可能做一点什么。
  Were it not for the fact that you helped me, I would be homeless. 若非你的帮助,我仍会无家可归。
  Should you be interested in our offer, please contact us. 你若对我们的报价感兴趣,请与我们联系。
  三、 I wish...类句式
  动词 wish 后接宾语从句时,从句谓语通常要用虚拟语气。其中,从句的时态规律是:要表示与现在事实相反的愿望,从句谓语用一般过去时或过去进行时;表示与过去相反的愿望,从句谓语用过去完成时或would / could have 过去分词;表示将来没有把握或不太可能实现的愿望,用would (could) 动词原形。如:   I wish she d shut up for a moment and let someone else speak. 我希望她停一会儿,让别人说说。
  I wish you would look at me when I m trying to speak to you! 当我试图跟你说话的时候,我希望你能看着我。
  I bet she wishes (that) she d never got involved in the whole affair. 我敢打赌她希望自己从未卷入整个事件里去。
  四、 It s time that... 类句式
  对于It s time后接的定语从句,从句谓语通常用虚拟语气——用过去式表示现在或将来,有时也用过去进行时,其意为“(早)该干某事了”。如:
  It s time that the government put down interest rates. 政府该把利率调低了。
  It s time you started acting like a responsible adult. 你现在应该表现得像个大人了。
  “It s time we left,” Ian said, looking at his watch. “我们该离开了,”伊恩一边看表一边说。
  We ve always had a red car—it s time we had a change! 我们总是用一辆红车,该换一换了。
  It s time you woke up to the fact that you re not very popular. 你早就该明白你没什么人缘儿。
  注意,It s time...句式中的time前面有时有about和high修饰。如:
  It s about time (that) the school improved its meals service. 学校早该改善膳食服务了。
  五、 but for...类句式
  but for 的意思是“若不是”“要不是”,用于表示虚拟的条件,句子谓语要用虚拟语气。如:
  I would have been in real trouble but for your help. 要不是有你帮忙,那我可就倒大霉了。
  But for the storm, I would have been home before eight. 要不是因为这场风暴,我早在8点钟以前就回到家里了。
  But for these interruptions, the meeting would have finished earlier. 要不是几次被打断,会议早就开完了。
  The score could have been higher but for some excellent goalkeeping by Simon. 要不是西蒙几次出色的扑救,比分还会更高。
  顺便说一句,介词without有时可表示条件,引出虚拟语气,与but for大致同义。如:
  Without appropriate software, a computer would be a mere box. 如果没有恰当的软件,电脑只是一个空盒子罢了。
  Without you, our project wouldn t have succeeded. 如果没有你的话,我们的计划就无法成功了。
  六、 otherwise隐含的虚拟条件句
  otherwise 的意思是“要不然”“否则”,根据其意思可知,它隐含着“条件”的意味,并且根据不同的语境,这个“条件”有时是真实的,有时是虚拟的。如:
  Don t start giving me problems otherwise I ll have to be very unpleasant indeed. 不要开始给我找麻烦,否则我就不客气了。(句中otherwise隐含的是一个真实的条件)
  I m really very busy, otherwise I would certainly go there with you. 我真的是太忙了,不然我就会同你一道去了。(句中otherwise隐含的是一个虚拟的条件)
  He must be fairly intelligent, otherwise he wouldn t have got into Harvard. 他一定很聪明,要不然他就进不了哈佛了。
  The program has saved thousands of children who would otherwise have died. 该项目挽救了成千上万原本可能会死亡的儿童。
  1. I d certainly tell you if I anything, but I don t. What you re saying is news to me.
  A. know B. knew
  C. had known D. would know
  2. If I at the time that she was his former wife, I d never have said what I did.
  A. knew B. had known   C. were to know D. should know
  3. If the new safety system in use, the accident would never have happened.
  A. was B. were
  C. had been D. would be
  4. I wouldn t work for them even if they me twice my current salary.
  A. pay B. paid
  C. had paid D. were to pay
  5. If you into town, you d notice all the pubs have loud jukeboxes.
  A. go B. went
  C. would go D. had gone
  6. If anyone , I would merely tell them to write to the manager.
  A. complain B. were to complain
  C. would complain D. had complained
  7. Had we not changed our reservations, we in the crash.
  A. were all killed B. had all killed
  C. should all be killed D. should all have been killed
  8. Had it not been for the unusually bad weather, the rescue party able to save the stranded climber.
  A. were B. had been
  C. would be D. would have been
  9. I wish I at the beginning of the week and not at the end.
  A. be paid B. was paid
  C. had turned D. would have turned
  10. I wish the people in the next flat down their radio. You can hear every word.
  A. can turn B. would turn
  C. had turned D. would have turned
  11. I wish I there—I would like to have seen Harry s face when Nan walked in.
  A. were B. would be
  C. had been D. would have been
  12. But for the safety-belt I alive today.
  A. wouldn t be B. hadn t been
  C. weren t D. wouldn t have been
  13. The car broke down. But for that we in time.
  A. would be B. had been
  C. were D. would have been
  14. But for your timely warning, we unaware of the danger.
  A. would be B. would have been
  C. were D. had been
  15. I m lucky that I m interested in school work, otherwise I mad.
  A. would go B. will go C. went D. had gone
  16. They got two free tickets to Canada, otherwise they able to afford to go.
  A. would never be B. would never have been
  C. were never D. had never been
  17. I think it s time the police tough with people who drink and drive.
  A. get B. will get
  C. got D. had gotten
  18. It s time she stopped living in the past and to think about her future.
  A. began B. beginning
  C. to began D. begins
  1. B。根据句中的 but I don t 可知,本句的 if 条件句是对现在情况作假设,故条件从句要用一般过去时。句意为:如果我真知道什么的话,我肯定会告诉你,可我不知道。你现在说的我都没听过。又如:If we had a boat, we could row across to the island. 我们要是有船就可以划到岛上去。   2. B。根据句中的 she was his former wife 以及 what I did 可知,本句的 if 条件句是对过去情况作假设,故条件从句要用过去完成时。句意为:我当时要是知道她是他前妻的话,我就不会那样说了。又如:If I d had children I might have looked at things differently. 我如果有孩子,看问题的方式就可能有所不同。
  3. C。根据句中的 would never have happened 可知,本句的 if 条件句是对过去情况作假设,故条件从句要用过去完成时。句意为:要是新的安全系统投入了使用,这个事故就绝不会发生了。又如:If she had known what lay in store for her, she would never have agreed to go. 要是她事先知道会有什么遭遇的话,她是绝不会同意去的。
  4. B。根据句意以及句中的 wouldn t work 可知,本句的 if 条件句是对将来情况作假设,故条件从句要用一般过去时。句意为:即使他们按我现在工资的两倍给我付钱,我也不会替他们干。
  5. B。根据句意以及句中的 would notice 可知,本句的 if 条件句是对将来情况作假设,故条件从句要用一般过去时。句意为:你若进城去,你会注意到所有的酒吧都有声音很大的自动点唱机。又如:If you learned to type you would easily find a job. 假使你学会打字,就容易找工作了。
  6. B。根据句意以及句中的 wouldn t work 可知,本句的 if 条件句是对将来情况作假设,故条件从句要用were to do sth这样的形式(当然也可用一般过去时,但选项中无此项)。句意为:要是有人投诉,我就叫他们直接给经理写信。又如:If I were to do that, what would you say? 如果我去做那样的事,你会怎么说呢?
  7. D。句中的 had we not changed 为 if we had not changed 之省略后的倒装形式,显然它是对过去情况作假设,答案选D。句意为:如果我们没有改换预订的票,我们就都死于这场事故了。又如:Had you obeyed orders this disaster would not have happened. 要是你当时服从了命令,这场灾难就不会发生了。
  8. D。句中的 had it not been 为 if it had not been 之省略后的倒装形式,显然它是对过去情况作假设,答案选D。句意为:要不是有反常的坏天气,抢救小组本能救出那个陷入困境的登山者的。又如:Had you come yesterday, you would have seen him. 若你昨天来,你就会见到他了。
  9. B。根据英语语法习惯,动词 wish 后接的宾语从句通常要用虚拟语气;再根据句意可知,说话者是在目前的情况,故空格处应填一般过去时。句意为:我希望一周开始时而不是周末拿到工资。
  10. B。根据英语语法习惯,动词 wish 后接的宾语从句通常要用虚拟语气;再根据句意可知,说话者是在谈论现在或将来的情况,故空格处应填 “would 动词原形”。句意为:我真希望隔壁套房里的人家能把收音机音量调小些。你都能听到每个字。
  11. C。根据英语语法习惯,动词 wish 后接的宾语从句通常要用虚拟语气;再根据句意可知,说话者是在谈论过去的情况,故空格处应用过去完成时。句意为:我真希望我当时在场——我想看看南走进来的时候哈里脸上是什么表情。
  12. A。but for 意为“要不是”“若不是”,通常与虚拟语气连用。根据句意可知,but for短语所谈论的是过去情况,但I wouldn’t be alive today谈论的则是现在的情况(注意句中的today),即此题其实是考查错综时间的虚拟语气,句意为:假若没有安全带, 我就活不到今天了。
  13. D。but for 意为“要不是”“若不是”,通常与虚拟语气连用。根据句意可知,句子谈论的是过去情况,故用“would have 过去分词”。句意为:汽车出毛病了。要不是那个我们会及时赶到的。
  14. B。but for 意为“要不是”“若不是”,通常与虚拟语气连用。根据句意可知,句子谈论的是过去情况,故用“would have 过去分词”。
  15. A。otherwise 意为“要不然”“否则”,用于对前面所述情况作假设。根据句意可知,本句是对现在的情况作假设,故选A。句意为:我很庆幸自己对学习怀有兴趣,不然我会疯掉的。又如:Of course they re interested. Otherwise they wouldn t be asking about prices. 他们当然感兴趣,要不然他们就不会询问价格了。
  16. B。otherwise 意为“要不然”“否则”,用于对前面所述情况作假设。根据句意可知,本句是对过去的情况作假设,故选B。句意为:他们得到两张去加拿大的免费机票,不然的话他们绝不可能花得起这笔钱的。又如:We were delayed at the airport. Otherwise we would have been here by lunch time. 我们在机场耽搁了,否则午饭前就可以到这里了。
  17. C。根据句中的who drink and drive可知,句子讲的是现在的情况,故从句谓语用一般过去时。句意为:我想该是警察对酒后开车的司机进行严厉处理的时候了。又如:It s time we stopped to think about our next move. 我们该停下来想一想我们下一步的行动了。
  18. A。It s time后接句子时应用虚拟语气(即谓语动词用过去式),句中的 begin 与动词 stopped 并列,故应用过去式。句意为:她不该沉湎于过去,应开始想想将来。又如:It s time you got a job and started paying for your keep! 你该找份工作,负担自己的生活费了!
  (编辑 陈根花)
高考单项填空题所考查的语言知识点多、覆盖面广且灵活多变。考生若想提高解题速度与准确率,除了必须具备扎实的基础之外,还要掌握科学的、便捷的解题方法。  一、 排除法  考生可根据题干中提供的信息,并结合平时所学的知识,先排除掉错误干扰项,缩小选择的范围,然后将剩余的选项加以对比,最终确定答案。  Food supplies in the flood-stricken area .We must ac
选用性能可靠、经济实用的桥梁伸缩缝 ,可以保证公路的工程质量。 Use of reliable performance, economical and practical bridge expansion joints, to ensure the quali
通过对高速公路交通安全设施常用的三种防腐技术的研究 ,阐述了三种防腐技术的原理、工艺、常见的质量缺陷以及产生原因。指出了金属防腐技术是提高高速公路交通安全设施使用
随着我国工业化进程加快,交通运输结构不断发生变化,高速公路日益呈现出巨大的社会经济效益。 而高速公路建设需要巨大投资,这使传统的筹资方式面临挑战。采用更加符合市场
本文总结了当前我国经济林生产的特点。提出了为适应经济林生产的新趋势的生产布局和组织生产方针。对于指导我国经济林生产具有重要战略意义。 This article summarizes th