
来源 :国外医药(植物药分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w02114119
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念珠菌感染的病人有日渐增长的趋势。其治疗最初通常是严格限制摄食和营养,如果不见效则采用制霉菌素或酮康唑治疗。作者认为经过一至二年营养或药物治疗不见效者,采用草药治疗仍可取得满意效果。但是治疗前必须确诊,因为许多因素可产生与真菌感染类似的症状,例如阴道感染可由衣原体或滴虫感染引起,而思维混乱与抑制亦可由EB病毒、窦炎等导致。许多真菌感染病例是由于长期应用诸如四环素类的抗生素引起的,其症状可在最后停用抗生素几年后表现出来,亦可能在使用一小段时间的抗生素后表现出来。口服避孕药也会增加真菌感染。 Candida infections in patients with a growing trend. The initial treatment is usually strictly limited feeding and nutrition, if not effective, the use of nystatin or ketoconazole treatment. The authors believe that after one to two years of nutrition or drug treatment ineffective, the use of herbal treatment can still be satisfied with the results. However, diagnosis must be made before treatment because many factors can cause symptoms similar to those of fungal infection. For example, vaginal infections may be caused by chlamydia or trichomoniasis. Confusion and suppression may also result from Epstein-Barr virus and sinusitis. Many cases of fungal infections are caused by long-term use of antibiotics such as tetracyclines. Symptoms may be manifest after several years of the last antibiotic discontinuation and may also be observed after a brief period of antibiotics. Oral contraceptives can also increase fungal infections.
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