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高校电子阅览室已成为现代数字环境下图书馆服务的重要的场所和阵地。它的出现对高校师生熟悉计算机操作技能、了解国内外大事、开阔视野、学习网络知识等方面发挥了重要的作用。因此,提高高校图书馆电子阅览室的服务质量尤为重要。但在使用过程中也存在一些不容忽视的问题。 The electronic reading room in colleges and universities has become an important place and position for library services in the modern digital environment. Its appearance has played an important role in familiarizing teachers and students in computer operation skills in colleges and universities, understanding major events at home and abroad, broadening their horizons and learning online knowledge. Therefore, it is very important to improve the service quality of electronic reading room in university library. However, there are some problems that can not be ignored in the process of using.
基层疾控部门档案是一项非常重要的档案,是疾病、疫情历史的真实数据资料,为研究疾控工作提供可靠的依据,对预防和控制传染病发生起着至关重要的作用。 The files of grass-
冀贡泉先生,是一位著名的民主人士。抗日战争时期,他曾侨居美国,有一段鲜为人知的经历。 冀贡泉字育堂,山西汾阳人。他生于1882年,是清朝末年秀才。本世纪初,清政府推行新政
Introduced are the status of coal preparation construction and production in its starting,growing up and speedy development stages;at present,preparation capaci
A biomimetic underwater vehicle propelled by two undulating long-fins is introduced in this paper. The concerned vehicle is propelled by two symmetrical undulat
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