
来源 :科学技术哲学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:slcsg956
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基于外国和晚清时期的文献考证,研究西语“Fax”的形成和“传真”中文译名的由来。通过对128种近代中文期刊的225篇文献进行统计分析,研究“传真”中文译名的变迁与确立过程。结果表明,“传真”一词用于指代传真技术,起始于1868年志刚所著之《初使泰西记》,1930年《科学世界》在近代中文期刊中最先使用。结论认为,“传真”中文译名的由来,是电学东渐过程中对古汉语的比喻性借用,是国人在认知新生事物中的文化自觉,这一中文译名的确立,是传真技术东渐的重要标志。梳理“传真”中文译名的来由与确立过程,为研究传真技术的引入与在华传播提供了重要依据。 Based on the literature research of foreign countries and the late Qing dynasty, this paper studies the formation of Western “Fax” and the origin of Chinese “fax”. Through the statistical analysis of 225 articles in 128 modern Chinese periodicals, this paper studies the change and establishment process of the Chinese translation of “fax”. The results show that the term “fax” is used to refer to the fax technology, beginning with Zhigang's Book of Early Addition to Taixi Ji in 1868, and the first in 1930 by Science Chinese in modern Chinese periodicals. The conclusion is that the origin of the Chinese translation of “fax” is the metaphorical borrowing of ancient Chinese in the course of “learning from the east” and “the cultural consciousness of Chinese people in cognizing new things. The establishment of this Chinese translation is based on the facsimile technique Gradually important symbol. Combing the origin and establishment of ”fax" in Chinese translation provides an important basis for studying the introduction of fax technology and its spread in China.