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在烟波浩渺的洪泽湖与千里长淮交汇之滨,有一个不起眼的小镇——双沟。俗话说:好马生在边塞处,好酒酿自僻乡间。这个偏僻的小镇却因中国名酒双沟大曲而誉满中外。座落在该镇的国家名酒厂——江苏双沟酒厂1991至1993年三年三大步,取得了历史性的突破:1991年创利税8300万元,居江苏轻工行业首位;1992年人均创利税7.43万元,跃居全国同行业第一位!1993年人均创利税8.99万元,再居全国同行首位!从1989年至1993年,该厂已经连续5年跨入全国同行10强! In the vast expanse of Hongze Lake and thousands of miles long Huai confluence of the coast, there is a humble town - double ditch. As the saying goes: a good horse at the frontier, so fermenting lonely country. This remote town is renowned for Chinese Shuanggou Daqu and Chinese and foreign. Located in the town of the country’s famous wineries - Jiangsu Shuanggou wineries from 1991 to 1993, three major three-year history and achieved a historic breakthrough: profits and taxes 83 million yuan in 1991, ranking first in Jiangsu Light Industry; 1992 Per capita profit and tax 74,300 yuan, ranking first in the country with the industry! Per capita profits and taxes 89,300 yuan per capita in 1993, ranking first in the country counterparts! From 1989 to 1993, the plant has 5 consecutive years into the top 10 national counterparts !
中国社会正处于转型期 ,关于道德的讨论和研究必然成为一个热点问题。如何正确地把握转型期道德的本质和发展趋势 ,作者通过对前期讨论情况的分析 ,提出了在指导思想、出发点
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