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《中华人民共和国进出口关税条例》(以下简称《条例》是一九八五年三月由国务院发布实施,,一九八七年七月一日《中华人民共和国海关法》公布后,经国务院修订,于一九八七年九月重新发布。《条例》实施以来,在适应对外开放需要、促进对外经济贸易和国民经济发展等方面,发挥了重要作用。最近国务院作出决定,对《条例》又进行了一次修改, The Import and Export Tariff Regulations of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations” was promulgated by the State Council in March 1985 and the “Customs Law of the People’s Republic of China” promulgated on July 1, 1987, Revised and republished in September 1987. Since the implementation of the Regulations, it has played an important role in adapting to the need of opening to the outside world and promoting foreign economic relations and trade and the development of the national economy. Recently, the State Council decided that the “Regulations” Again a change,
Aim:To investigate whether the increasing CD40-CD40 ligand system is relatedto restenosis in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI).Methods:Twe
着法(红先胜):1.(兵)31 (将)612.(兵)34 (将)613.前(兵)3 (将)614.(兵)34 (将)615.(马)53 (将)61②6.(马)32 (将)657.(车)34 (士)568.(马)24 (将)51 (Law) (red first vict
<正> 随着社会的变革和历史的发展,语言词汇的变化也是频繁的、多样的。这种频繁、多样的变化表现在:一是大量新词的产生与旧词的逐渐消亡,二是词义本身的变化(意义增减、更新或转移)促成语言词汇的发展,从而使词语意义更为丰富、生动。按照发生学的分类方法,词语意义的变化有其语言内部的原因和语言外部的原因(社会历史的原因)两大类。现仅就词义变化的外部原因作一些简略的探讨和分析。 1、人类社会生活的变化和新事物的不断涌现,使人们对客观事物和各种现象(包括不良现象)产生了新的认识,从而促成词语的多义性发展
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黔滇公路位于贵州省西部,建于二战时期,其中有一段现属于320国道上的著名路段被称为 Guizhou-Yunnan Highway is located in the western part of Guizhou Province, was bu
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