Effects of obesity on breast size, thoracic spine structure and function, upper torso musculoskeleta

来源 :运动与健康科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mikesh123
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Purpose:This study investigated the effects of obesity on breast size, thoracic spine structure and function, upper torso musculoskeletal pain and physical activity participation in women living independently in the community.Methods:A total of 378 women were divided into 3 groups (Not Overweight:body mass index (BMI)=22.5 § 0.2 kg/m2 (mean § SE);Over-weight:BMI=27.4 § 0.3 kg/m2;Obese:BMI=35.4 § 0.3 kg/m2). Outcome variables of breast volume (mL), thoracic flexion torque (N¢m), thoracic kyphosis (degrees), upper torso musculoskeletal pain (score) and time spent in physical activity (min) were calculated and compared among the 3 groups, adjusting for between-group differences in age. Results: There was a significant main effect of BMI on all outcome variables. Participants classified as Obese displayed significantly larger breasts, had greater thoracic flexion torques and reported less time participating in physical activity relative to the participants who were classi-fied as Not Overweight and Overweight. Participants in the Obese group also displayed significantly more thoracic kyphosis and reported signifi-cantly more upper torso musculoskeletal pain compared to their counterparts who were classified as Not Overweight. Conclusion:This study is the first to demonstrate that increased obesity levels were associated with compromised kyphosis and loading of the thoracic spine, as well as increased symptoms of upper torso musculoskeletal pain and reduced time spent in physical activity in women living in the community. We recommend further research to determine whether evidence-based interventions designed to reduce the flexion torque gen-erated on the thoracic spine can improve these symptoms of upper torso musculoskeletal pain and the ability of women with obesity to participate in physical activity.
我们常常听到“春捂秋冻”这句话,有些人认为,孩子在秋天不要急着加衣物,适当地挨冻,对孩子的健康有好处。有些家长提出疑惑,真的应该“秋冻”吗?  01秋冻有学依据吗  人有体温调节中枢,皮肤有冷觉、温觉感受器,会根据温度感受器未调节人的体温,一般保持在37℃左右。当秋季天气逐渐转凉,过早的添加衣服保暖会使得皮肤的冷觉感受器敏感度下降,导致人的体温调节功能减弱。当面对冬季的严寒,或者突然出现的气温大幅
Background:This study examined the volume and patts of physical activity (PA) and sedentary time (ST) across different segments of the week among boys and girls
平时,妈妈们都像超人,工作、育儿、家务……样样不落下,常常是从早忙到晚,事情一件接着一件,时间排得满满的。其实,妈妈们不妨“偷偷懒”,给孩子更多的自由和空间。因为很多时候,妈妈越勤快,孩子的生活能力反倒越弱,而妈妈相对“懒”一些,孩子会更能干。这里,我将自己的一些“偷懒时刻”分享给妈妈们。  1孩子的睡觉问题  关于孩子睡觉,很多妈妈很焦虑,我认为大可不必。孩子困了、累了自然会睡。如果孩子睡得少,
生活中,误会时常发生,大多令人烦恼。但换个角度看,可能会有不一样的发现。本期为大家推荐的两本绘本,讲述了一只憨态可掬的大熊,因误会而发生的种种趣事。“小”误会中也能发现“大”乐趣呢!  《阿嚏.大熊.阿嚏!》内容库  嘘!你听,在秋天的森林里,一只大熊正和秋风争论不休呢。  秋风吹落树叶的时候,大熊打了个喷嚏,它认为是自己的喷嚏震落了树叶;秋风刮落苹果的时候,大熊打了个喷嚏,它认为是自己的喷嚏摇落