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思想政治工作与发展生产力有着密切的关系。即思想政治工作是推动社会生产力(物质生产力、精神生产力)全面发展的可靠保证。当政治思想工作推动物质生产力发展时主要表现在全面提高劳动者的对生产、技术,操作规律的认识和掌握,从而调动其积极性、主动性、创造性,不断提高劳动生产率。当政治思想工作推动精神生产力发展时,主要表现在精神和意识形态领域的工作者在党的领导下运用精神生产工具和精神生产资料不断提高创造社会主义精神文明的能力。社会生产力全面发展为思想政治工作提供物质和精神条件。 There is a close relationship between ideological and political work and the development of productive forces. That is, ideological and political work is a reliable guarantee for the all-round development of social productive forces (material productivity and spiritual productivity). When political and ideological work promotes the development of material productivity, it is mainly manifested in raising workers’ awareness and mastery of production, technology and operation rules so as to mobilize their enthusiasm, initiative and creativity and constantly raise labor productivity. When political and ideological work promotes the development of the spiritual productive forces, the workers, mainly in the fields of spirit and ideology, use the tools of spiritual production and the means of spiritual production under the leadership of the party to constantly improve the ability to create socialist spiritual civilization. The all-round development of social productivity provides material and moral conditions for ideological and political work.
[摘要]高等院校成绩管理是教务管理工作中的重要组成部分与关键环节。探究高校成绩管理的方法,以便提出完善成绩管理制度,加强成绩管理的科学性、准确性,建设完善的成绩管理系统,完善成绩管理监控的应对策略。  [关键词]学分制 成绩管理 完善  [中图分类号]F224.29 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-5349(2014)08-0053-02  一、成绩管理的用处  (一)成绩管理的界定  学
我的作品的核心是尴尬与自省,这种难堪与觉醒是面对深刻的感情事件时我所经历过的。——费谢尔 At the heart of my work is embarrassment and introspection, which embar
我们在对现阶段的小学美术教学现状进行研究时,发现其中存在很多问题需要完善,笔者结合自己多年的教学经验以及新课标中对小学美术教学提出的要求,做一些论述。 When we stu