台军现役武器精选系列 伸向海底的大“耳朵”——台军诺克斯级护卫舰

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据台湾《中时新闻报》7月11日报道,民进党籍的台湾当局“立法院”委员对台湾海军驻扎在基隆的主力舰队进行了突击巡阅,发现其拥有的成功级、康定级和诺克斯级护卫舰这三种最重要的水面作战平台均存在战备不足、人员缺编甚至因零件缺乏而靠泊歇工的情况,特别是从美国租借来的8艘诺克斯级护卫舰最为严重。台湾媒体称,由于台湾很难在短时间内买到潜艇,自制潜艇也不是一蹴而就,更不用说买到了还要花多年训练的事实,至少 According to Taiwan’s “China Time News” reported on July 11, members of the Taiwan Democratic People’s Republic of China (DPP) Legislative Yuan carried out surprise inspections on the main fleet of the Taiwan Navy stationed in Keelung and found that the successful ranks, Kangding-class and Nuo- All three of the most important surface combat platforms at the Knox class frigate are underfunded and under-staffed. They even rely on lay-offs due to lack of spare parts. In particular, the eight Knox-class frigates rented from the United States are the most serious. Taiwan media said that since it is very hard for Taiwan to buy submarines within a short period of time, self-made submarines are not accomplished in a single step, let alone bought the fact that it takes years of training, at least
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