Internet Banking离我们有多远?

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经过大肆炒作的电子商务始终给人“但闻其声不见其人”的感觉,毕竟热热闹闹的解决方案并不能带给人们真正意义上的实惠,而作为电子商务实现过程重中之重的银行网上支付自然逃脱不了它近乎尴尬的现实:一方面,闻风而起的IT商家迫不及待地推出了一些诸如“网上购物”的服务,而这些所谓的电子商务并没有实现实际意义上的支付,一时间,电子商务的症结自然归于了网上银行的止步;另一方面部分洞见先机的银行已有所行动,陆续推出了网上银行服务:先是1998年3月中国银行率先促成了国内第一笔Internet 网上支付,迈出了国内网络银行具有历史意义的一步;同年7月招商银行的“一网通——网上支付(ALL IN ONE NET)”也风火一时;1999年6月28日中国银行总行又隆重推出网上银行服务,消息的传出,的确令人振奋,但人们关心更多的是制约电子商务发展的瓶颈是否真的突破了呢?这些事件除了带来飞舞的喧嚣,又有多少的现实进步呢?一时间,人们不禁想问:为什么实现真正意义的网上银行如此之难?我们是不是具备了发展网上银行的必要的技术条件?发展网上银行有哪些难点?网上银行究要离我们有多远呢? After embarrassingly embarrassing e-commerce has always given people the “but hear it” but after all, the lively solutions can not bring people real benefits, but as the e-commerce implementation process is of utmost importance. Banks’ online payment can’t escape the reality of its almost embarrassing: On the one hand, the rushing IT business can not wait to launch some services such as “online shopping”, and these so-called e-commerce do not realize the actual payment. For a time, the crux of e-commerce was naturally attributed to the cessation of online banking; on the other hand, some banks that had already taken the initiative took the initiative and launched online banking services. First, in March 1998, the Bank of China took the lead in promoting the first domestic Internet online payment has taken a historic step in domestic online banking; in July of the same year, China Merchants Bank’s “ALL IN ONE NET” was also in vogue; on June 28, 1999, the Bank of China’s head office again The grand launch of online banking services, the news is indeed exciting, but people are more concerned about whether the bottleneck restricting the development of e-commerce is really But when these incidents brought about paralysis in flight, how much actual progress did they make? For a time, people could not help thinking: Why is it so difficult to achieve real-world online banking? Is it necessary for us to develop online banking? What are the technical conditions? What are the difficulties in the development of online banking? How far is online banking from us?
不无遗憾的是“电子商业”至今在某种意义上还近乎一种“美国特色”。每逢旺季,网上零售商们也加入“淘金的人群”大发一票。最近 Marketing Corporationof America 的调查
提起海关,许多人会联想到气派的大楼、现代化的办公条件、优厚的待遇、年轻威武的海关工作人员. 是的,当我走进宽敞、颇具现代化色彩的乌鲁木齐海关大厅;当我看见海关关徽上
2006年,泰克公司在高性能实时频谱分析仪RSA6100A中率先推出DPX数字荧光技术,提供全新的数字RF信号查看功能,令用户可以 In 2006, Tektronix pioneered DPX digital phospho
参加世界贸易组织总理事会特别会议的各国代表日前表示,在欧美贸易争端中美国单方面采取的贸易制裁行动将破坏多边贸易体制。 在美国宣布对欧盟产品征收百分之百的进口保证
1999汉诺威展(4月19~21日)以其新思维而成为“21世纪的展览会”。本届展览会由一批专业工业贸易展组成,每个部分都是各自所属领域的代表性展览。 The 1999 Hannover Exhibit
据海关统计,99年1-9月我国外贸进出口总值为2546.05亿美元,比上年同期上升9.4%。其中进口1176.09亿美元,比上年同期上升19.3%;出口1369.96亿美元,比上年同期上升2.1%。 99年1-9