
来源 :辽宁法治研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mmoxx
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《中华人民共和国国家赔偿法》由于受当时政治、经济、文化等因素的限制,行政赔偿的范围比较狭窄,仅包括了人身和财产权的直接损害赔偿,而对于日益突出的公有公共设施损害、精神损害、抽象行为损害和间接损害等行政赔偿问题并未涉及,这已不能适应日益发展变化的社会现实。本文的研究目的在于通过探讨适当地扩大我国行政赔偿的范围,以谋求对国家赔偿法将来的修订有所裨益,进一步保障公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,促进行政机关的依法行政。 Due to the political, economic and cultural constraints at that time, the scope of administrative compensation was relatively narrow, covering only the direct damages for personal and property rights. As for the increasingly prominent public facilities damage, the spirit of “national compensation law of the People’s Republic of China” The issue of administrative compensation such as damage, abstraction and indirect damage has not been covered, and this can no longer be adapted to the ever-changing social reality. The purpose of this study is to explore the appropriate expansion of the scope of China’s administrative compensation in order to seek the future amendment of the national compensation law be beneficial to further safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations to promote the administrative organs of the administration according to law.
美国圣迭戈加利福尼亚大学的麻醉学教授Jordan Katz根据对37例病人进行研究的结果认为,经蝶窦的化学性切除垂体可使扩散性肿瘤患者经其它方法不能处理的严重性疼痛得以缓解
白血病是造血系统的一种恶性肿瘤,其发病率在我国青少年恶性肿瘤中居于首位。近年来,国内外通过大量实验动物研究,已经从病毒和细胞基因水平上阐明了白血病病 Leukemia is
本文报告了18例原发性肠系膜肿瘤的一般发病学情况,临床表现和病理学分类,并结合文献就此作了粗浅的讨论。 This article reports on the general pathological conditions,
肺化学感受器瘤极为罕见,我们曾手术切除1例,经病理证实。曹××,女,34岁。因半月前查体发现两侧肺内肿块阴影住省交通医院。当时仅感轻微胸闷,无其他不适。 Pulmonary che
开发绿色食品是实现友谊农业可持续发展的战略抉择,现通过分析友谊绿色食品开发现状探讨加快其发展的主要措施。 The development of green food is a strategic choice to