Long Term Follow up of the Solyx Single Incision Sling in the Treatment of Female Stress Urinary Inc

来源 :泌尿学期刊(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:psty2006
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Objectives: The Solyx System was developed to be easier and safer to use than other slings. It was the objective of this study to retrospectively assess the long-term safety and efficacy of the SolyxTM SIS Sling System. Methods: After IRB approval and inf
【正】 在整风运动取得偉大胜利的基础上,党所提出的总路綫,成为推动我們全組跃进的力量。紅透專深,在历史教学中貫彻总路綫是我們的主要任务。要使教学工作赶上当前形势的要
Goal: Contribute to improve treatment of patients suffering from urogenital fistula (UGF). Materials and methods: It was a descriptive and prospective study con
【正】 科学共产主义的誕生,是世界近代史上划时代的大事件,它指出了无产阶級斗爭的目的、任务和道路,用无产阶級革命和无产阶級專政的思想武裝了全世界无产者。十月革命开辟
We reported a case of an intravesical foreign body in a 16 years old teenager for abortion attempt. During laparotomy for suspected pelvic appendicitis, we inci
【正】 初中中国历史教科书明清史部分,包括从明帝国的建立到鸦片战争前的整个历史内容.拟从教学的角度,就明史中部分章节的思想教育要求及"东南沿海的抗清斗争和台湾的建设"
Objective: Reconstructive surgery of the lower urinary tract in children is reported with a high complication rate. The aim was to evaluate the complication rat
【正】 在一次有关教学法問題的座談会上,曾經有同志提起为了克服形式主义的学习,更多的接触同学思想实际,从而解决一些思想問題,历史課可否适当地采用一点政治課的辯論方式,