
来源 :刑事法判解 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cmdl_CQ
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从刑法修正案(八)中关于人体器官移植犯罪的规定出发,本文认为,紧急避险理论并非人体器官移植阻却违法性的理论基础,现行立法是以“知情同意”或被害人承诺理论作为人体器官移植合法与否的重要判断标准。基于器官供体的知情同意,除非是“组织多人出卖人体器官”行为,一般出卖人体器官的行为不具有刑事违法性。刑法修正案(八)将组织他人出卖人体器官的行为规定为犯罪,其违法性在于对人体器官“商业化禁令”的违背,而非对市场秩序的破坏,因此组织出卖他人器官的行为不构成非法经营罪。 This article holds that the theory of emergency avoidance is not the theoretical basis of preventing illegality of human organ transplantation. The current legislation is based on the theory of “informed consent” or the theory of victim commitment An important criterion for judging the validity of human organ transplantation. Based on the informed consent of the organ donor, unless it is the “organization of many human betrayal organs” behavior, the general betrayal of human organs does not have the criminal illegality. Amendments to the Penal Code (8) Criminalizing the Organized Betrayal of Human Organ Organs, which is illegal because of the violation of human organs, the Commercial Ban, and not the destruction of the market order, thus organizing the betrayal of organs of other persons Does not constitute illegal business crime.
冠心病(coronary artery disease, CAD)的存在明显地影响着肥厚型心肌病(hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, HCM)患者的临床过程[ 1 ].然而,仅根据无创性检查和患者的症状很难做出二病共存的诊断[ 2 ].国内有关HCM合并CAD的报道不多.现总结我院1986~2002年的资料如下.
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A series of novel 1-methyl-3-(trifluoromethyl)-~1H-pyrazole-4-carboxamide derivatives were designed based on our previous work and synthesized. All these title
采用逆转录- 聚合酶链式反应检测了慢性足底电击结合噪声应激致高血压大鼠下丘脑、延髓、中脑、垂体和肾上腺等组织中编码肾上腺髓质素的肾上腺髓质素前肽原(preproadrenomed