坚持“六到位” 实现全程帮教安置

来源 :当代司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zuaixin2
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龙凤区共有1个乡7个街道办事处,常住人口13万。几年来,我们认真抓好刑释解教人员回归社会接茬帮教安置工作。自1991年以来,全区刑释解教人员163人。经过帮教组织的积极努力,接茬率达到100%,就业率达到100%。通过接茬帮教安置工作,这些人思想稳定,安居乐业,道德水平不断提高,法制观念不断增强。现在,他们之中要求入党的8人,已经入团的6人,成为企业先进生产者的14人,成为生产技术能手的6人,被评为青年突击手3人,优秀民兵6人,重新 Longfeng District, a total of 1 township 7 neighborhood offices, the resident population of 130,000. In recent years, we earnestly do a good job of returning prisoners to public order and helping settlements. Since 1991, 163 people have been released from prison in the region. After the active efforts of the organization to help teach, the successor rate reached 100%, employment rate reached 100%. Through the follow-up of help and education to resettle their workplaces, these people have stable thinking and live and work in peace and contentment with their moral standards constantly improving and the legal system concept constantly increasing. Now, among them, 8 are required to join the party, 6 have been enrolled in the regiment, 14 have become the advanced producers of the enterprise, 6 have become technical masters of production, and have been appraised as 3 young raiders and 6 outstanding militias,
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