
来源 :黄梅戏艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liqwart2
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去年12月26日,《安徽日报》在头版显著位置,刊登了《为振兴黄梅戏进一言》,引起安徽戏剧界的很大反响,本刊特予全文转载。作者对黄梅戏拳拳之忱,炳炳然跃于纸上。党的十三大,为全国各条战线更加深入的改革指明了方向。在改革、开放、搞活的大潮中,黄梅戏怎么办?这是所有从事黄梅戏艺术工作的同志(当然也包括领导同志)必须认真研究的问题。两年前,中共安徽省委领导同志曾明确指出,发展黄梅戏是一项“系统工程”。而几位在京的皖籍新闻工作者所提的建议,又为这项“系统工程”的蓝图勾勒出积极的设想。建国以来,黄梅戏有过两度繁盛局面,然而梅三开度,须赖众手护持。我们希望海内外关心、爱护黄梅戏的有识之士,不吝金玉,赐献良谋,促使黄梅戏尽早地出现新的繁盛局面。 On December 26 last year, Anhui Daily published a prominent position on the front page for publishing a speech for rejuvenating Huangmei, which aroused great repercussions from the theater industry in Anhui Province. The author of Huangmei fist boxing, Bing Ping jump in the paper. The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out the direction for more in-depth reforms in all fronts in the country. In the tide of reform, opening up and invigoration, what should we do with the Huangmei opera? This is a question that all comrades engaged in the art work of the Huangmei opera, including leading comrades in particular, must seriously study. Two years ago, the leading comrades of the CPC Anhui Provincial Committee made it clear that the development of the Huangmei opera is a “systematic project.” The suggestions made by some Anhui-based journalists in Beijing have also outlined a positive vision for the blueprint for this “systematic project.” Since the founding of the PRC, Huangmei Opera has twice the thriving situation, however, Mayan opening degree, relying on public support. We hope that all people of insight who cherish and cherish the Huangmei opera at home and abroad will not hesitate to give their valuable advice and encourage others to make new promises in the performance of Huangmei as soon as possible.
2000年电力电子学专家会议(2000PowerElectronicsSpecialistConference)·爱尔兰戈尔韦:UniversityCollege·2000年6月18~23日·IEEE电力电子学学会主办·联系单位——MrRobertM... 2000 Conference of Power Electronics Experts (2000PowerElectronicsSpecialistCon
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