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陈昌曙教授是我国著名的技术哲学家 ,中国技术哲学的奠基人。陈昌曙教授在数十载的学术生涯中 ,论著颇丰 ,尤其是改革开放以后 ,先生对我国现代化建设过程中技术发展的重大理论及现实问题进行了广泛而深刻的研究 ,创立了我国技术哲学研究的基本范式。 2 0 0 2年是陈先生从事教育工作 5 0年 ,开创技术哲学研究 2 0年。值此之际 ,东北大学出版社出版了《陈昌曙技术哲学文集》 ,将陈昌曙教授技术哲学研究的重要成果呈献给学界同仁 ,以期引起我国技术哲学研究的新高潮。东北大学技术与社会研究所是我国技术哲学研究的重要基地 ,也是陈昌曙教授传播其技术哲学思想的学术田园。在《陈昌曙技术哲学文集》出版之际 ,东北大学一批从事技术哲学研究的中青年学者组织多次研讨 ,本刊将他们的部分研讨内容以笔谈的形式予以发表 ,期待引起更多学者和学生的关注 Professor Chen Changshu is a famous technical philosopher in China and the founder of Chinese philosophy of technology. In his decades of academic career, Professor Chen Changshu has done a lot of work. After the reform and opening up, in particular, he conducted extensive and profound studies on the major theoretical and practical issues of technological development in the process of China’s modernization and created the study of the philosophy of technology in China The basic paradigm. In 2002, Mr. Chen was engaged in education for 50 years and started to study philosophy of technology for 20 years. In the meantime, Northeastern University Press published “Chen Changshu’s Collection of Philosophy of Technology” and presented the important achievements of Professor Chen Changshu’s philosophy of technology to its academic colleagues so as to arouse the new climax of our country’s philosophy of technology. The Institute of Technology and Society of Northeastern University is an important base for the study of philosophy of technology in our country. It is also an academic pastor of Professor Chen Changshu’s idea of ​​spreading his philosophy of technology. During the publication of “Chen Changshu’s Philosophy of Technology Collection,” a group of middle-aged and young scholars from Northeastern University engaged in the study of philosophy of technology for several times. Some of their articles were published in the form of written speeches, aiming to arouse more scholars and students s concern
从本期开始,“湖玩特区”正式取代原来的“时尚先锋”啦!我们将触角延伸到更多生活流行元素,从服饰到科技,从新书到美食,让大家开阔视野,当个潮流生活人! 2006年,迷你裙卷土