Development of a Cell-based Model to Derive Direct Runoff Hydrographs for Ungauged Mountainous Basin

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiandaoisme
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A model to derive direct runoff hydrograph for an ungauged basin using the physical properties of the basin is presented. The basin is divided into grid cells and canal elements. Overland flow is generated from each grid cell of the basin by application of continuous effective rainfall of 1 mm/hr to the basin. The flow generated is routed through downstream grid cells and the canal elements using the kinematic wave approach. The travel time for direct runoff from each grid cell to the basin outlet is calculated and the S-curve is derived for the basin. The S-curve is used to derive the unit hydrograph of a given duration for the basin. The model, referred as Cell-basin model was applied to the Upper Kotmale Basin in Sri Lanka and the model predictions of direct runoff hydrographs for rainfall events agreed with the observations to a reasonable accuracy. Comparison of the unit hydrographs obtained from the model and from the conventional Snyder’s synthetic unit hydrograph using regionalized parameters assuming the basin as an ungauged basin, with the unit hydrograph derived from the observations showed that the model predicted unit hydrograph was more suitable than that obtained by Snyder’s method for Sri Lankan up country basins. Thus, the present model is a useful tool to obtain direct runoff hydrograph for ungauged basins. A model to derive direct runoff hydrograph for an ungauged basin using the physical properties of the basin is presented. The basin is divided into grid cells and canal elements. Overland flow is generated from each grid cell of the basin by application of continuous effective rainfall of 1 mm / hr to the basin. The travel generated for routed through downstream grid cells and the canal elements using the kinematic wave approach. The travel time for direct runoff from each grid cell to the basin outlet is calculated and the S-curve is derived for the basin. The S-curve is used to derive the unit hydrograph of a given duration for the basin. The model, referred to as Cell-basin model was applied to the Upper Kotmale Basin in Sri Lanka and the model predictions of direct runoff hydrographs for rainfall events agreed with the observations to a reasonable accuracy. Comparison of the unit hydrographs obtained from the model and from the conventional Snyder’s synthetic unit hydrograph using region alized parameters assuming the basin as an ungauged basin, with the unit hydrograph derived from the observations that the model predicted unit hydrograph was more suitable than that obtained by Snyder’s method for Sri Lankan up country basins. Thus, the present model is a useful tool to obtain direct runoff hydrograph for ungauged basins.
目前,中国天然气产量大约500亿立方米。在2006年中国LNG(液化天然气)国际会议上,专家表示,到2010年我国天然气需求量将达1100亿立方米,而国内提供的气量只有900亿立方米,尚有200亿立方米的供应缺口势必由进口LNG来补充。  如今,国际天然气行业处于卖方市场中,市场需求量大造成供货紧张、价格上涨。2004年,中石油、中石化的天然气平均出厂价格为592元/吨(不含增值税),仅相当于美国
一  远躲在花园凉亭下一根水泥柱子后边,看见五楼东头那扇窗口漏出一团昏蒙光亮,心里悬着的石头怦然落地——阿弥陀佛,房间的主人在家!  皮志远不是唯心论者,但他办每件事情时都有一种习惯性的心理期待,那就是顺利,别出岔。他掏出手机,摁出一连串阿拉伯数字——这串阿拉伯数字的后面是他今晚求见的人。  务必先打电话联系。这是政工室主任习让才叮嘱给他的注意事项之一。此前,局里已有传闻,说是前任掌勺的大师傅凌晨