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写本时代在中国古代书籍史上是个重要阶段,然而传世的古写本却是凤毛麟角。幸有敦煌、吐鲁番文书的发现,使四至十一世纪的千万件写本作为书籍发展史上极为珍贵的原始资料而获见于今。附记于写本卷尾的题记数以千计,繁简不一,形式多样。总的来说,记述写本的年代、书写地点、书手姓名身份以及写本产生的缘由等等,内容十分广泛。不啻于书籍史的研究,即使历史、宗教、社会、书法等领域,它都是弥足珍贵的第一手资料。日本学者池田温先生悉心整理编撰的《中国古代写本识语集录》(日本大藏出版社,1990年)就是一部历代写本题记的汇编,内收各类题记录文二千余条,以年代为序排列,每条之后附有参考文献,前人的刊布、整理、研究工作一一举出,以备参阅。此书无论辑集题记的数量还是整理水平,都超过以往同类著作,乃集大成者。 本文是编者专为这部书撰写的总解说,全面介绍中国古代写本及其题记,对前人所作的题记集录工作作了历史性的回顾,并就研究题记必然涉及的相关问题,如书录解题、序跋,经记、书画题跋等相近资料的对比,古代写本及其题记中的真品、赝品等等都作了全面论述。可以说是一篇关于中国古代写本题记问题的概述性力作。把它译介给从事中国古代书籍史的同道,相信能有所裨益。 The era of writing this book is an important stage in the history of ancient Chinese books, but the ancient writings handed down are rare. Fortunately, the discovery of the Dunhuang and Turpan instruments has given the 10 million copies in the fourth to the eleventh centuries this year as the most precious source material in the history of books. Notes attached to the volume of the inscription in the volume of thousands of thousands, different, diverse forms. In general, the description of the era of writing, writing place, name of the book hand name and the reason for writing, etc., is very wide range. It is not only the study of the history of books, it is precious first-hand information even in the fields of history, religion, society and calligraphy. The Japanese scholar Mr. Ikeda carefully compiled “ancient Chinese book of written language recorded” (Japan’s Kadokawa Publishing House, 1990) is a compilation of the written records of the previous dynasties, admission of more than 2000 kinds of questions recorded in more than two articles, In order to arrange, each with a reference after the publication, finishing, research work cited one by one, for reference. This book regardless of the number of questions or the volume of finishing the book are more than similar books in the past, but a master. This essay is a general commentary written by the editor for this book. It comprehensively introduces the ancient Chinese writings and their inscriptions, makes a historical review of the inscription recorded by the predecessors, and discusses the relevant issues that are bound to be involved in the study of the inscriptions, The comparisons of similar materials such as questions, prefaces, postscripts, inscriptions on calligraphy and painting, ancient books and their inscriptions, genuine articles, counterfeit articles and so on are all discussed in detail. It can be said that it is an overview of the ancient Chinese writings problem inscription masterpiece. It is believed that it can be helpful to refer it to fellow citizens engaged in the history of ancient Chinese books.
安阳展园位于第八届重庆园博会南部大中华展区的北方园林展园中,占地面积为2900 m2。在对当今泛文化现象盛行进行反思后,展园设计择取安阳当地历史悠久的"甲骨文字"为主题,以