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仃止活动多年的江苏省林学会于四月二十日在南京玄武湖公园正式恢复。这天,南京林产工业学院、中国农林科学院林化所、省林科所、南京大学生物系、南京市老山林场等单位的理事和有关同志共二十三人,欢聚一堂,举行理事(扩大)会议。 省林学会付理事长、南京林产工业学院革委会付主任马大浦教授主持了会议,并传达了全国科协代主席周培源和省科协张仲良关于科协工作的讲话精神,本会学术工作委员会主任委员、南京林产工业学院林学系付主任熊文愈付教授传达了去年在天津举行的全国林学会学术会议精神,省科委科研单位管理处付处长李志平和省农林局付局长左如桂也到会讲了话。 与会同志畅谈了在英明领袖华主席领导下今天科技战线出现的大好形势,回顾了以往学会工作。一致认为,省林学会自一九六一年成立以来,在党的领导下,团结广大科 For many years, the Forest Society of Jiangsu Province officially resumed its operation in Nanjing Xuanwu Lake Park on April 20. On this day, a total of 23 directors and relevant comrades from Nanjing Forestry Polytechnic Institute, Chinese Academy of Forestry and Forestry Afforestation, Provincial Forestry Branch, Nanjing University Department of Biology, Nanjing Laoshan Forest Farm and other units gathered together to hold the board of directors )meeting. Prof. Ma Dapu, director of the provincial forestry society paying directors and director of the Revolutionary Committee of Nanjing Forestry Industry College, chaired the meeting and conveyed the spirit of the speech made by Zhou Peiyuan, the acting chairman of the National Association for Science and Technology and Zhang Zhongliang, the provincial science and technology association, on the work of the Association for Science and Technology. The academic work Chairman of the Committee, Nanjing Institute of Forestry Lin Xinyu, director of the Department of Xun Yu Fu pay to convey the last year in Tianjin held a National Association of Forestry academic spirit of the Provincial Science and Technology Commission scientific research unit director Li Zhiping and the Provincial Bureau of Agriculture and Forestry Bureau, To be able to speak. The comrades at the meeting talked about the excellent situation that emerged from the scientific and technological front today under the leadership of Chairman Hua, the wise leader, and reviewed the past academic work. They all agreed that since the founding of the Provincial Forestry Institute in 1961, under the leadership of the party,
A new kind of polythiophene derivative, Poly(3-{2-[4-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-phenyl]-vinyl}-2,2′-bithiophene) (PTh), was applied in dye-sensitized solar cell to exte