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1O年前,李文以优异的成绩从安徽艺校毕业,分配到安徽省黄梅戏剧院。自幼就立志做一名好演员的李文,进院10年来始终不曾放弃自己的努力和梦想。“衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊销得人憔悴。”在剧院的排演场上她不知洒下过多少汗水和泪水,磨破过多少双练功鞋,更记不清为了一句唱、一个身段踏破过多少老师和前辈家的门坎。寒来暑往、年复一年,勤奋、虚心、执著构成了她舞台之梦的全部。从群众演员到配角再到主演,李文终于一步步地迈到了台中央。而今,她是安徽省黄梅戏剧院最年轻的一级演员,成为继马兰之后黄梅戏新生代的中坚。得益于勤学苦练,李文有着很扎实的表演功底,《天仙配》中的七仙女、《戏牡丹》中的白牡丹、《女驸马》中的公主、《木瓜上市》中的水芹……这些性格各异的人物,她演来得心应手,准确到位。而李文的唱更是长风出谷、流水行云,音域之宽 10years ago, Li Wen graduated from Anhui Arts School with excellent grades and distributed to Huangmei Opera House in Anhui Province. Li Wen since determined to be a good actor, into the hospital 10 years never give up their efforts and dreams. “I do not regret the gradual extension of the band, for the Iraqi salesman gaunt. ” In the theater rehearsal she did not know how much sweat and tears shed, worn too much practice shoes, but can not remember a sing How many teachers and seniors break through the threshold of a figure. Cold to summer, year after year, hardworking, open-minded, persistent all the dream of her stage. From the extras to the supporting actor and starring, Levin finally step by step into the Central Taiwan. Today, she is the youngest actor in the Huangmei Theater in Anhui Province, becoming the backbone of the Cenozoic of the Huangmei opera after Malan. Benefit from diligently practice hard, Li Wen has a very solid performance skills, “Fairy” in the seven fairies, “Peony” in the white peony, “Nu Wa horse” in the princess, “papaya” in the cress ... ... These characters of different characters, she played handy, accurate in place. Li Wen’s singing is more wind out of the valley, flowing clouds, the wide range