
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzan1616
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高度重视现代科学技术对国防现代化的巨大推动作用,是邓小平国防经济理论的主要特征之一。其主要论点是:科学技术进步是国防发展的第一推动力;国防科技水平是国防现代化的主要标志;“科技强军”是国防建设的重要途径。我们不能全盘照抄国外的某一种发展战略模式,而应当采取具有中国特色的复合型发展战略,从各个侧面促进经济的全面振兴,为国防的发展奠定坚实的物质技术基础。 Attaching great importance to the enormous role played by modern science and technology in national defense modernization is one of the main features of Deng Xiaoping’s theory of national defense economy. Its main argument is that progress in science and technology is the first impetus for the development of national defense; that the level of national defense science and technology is the major symbol of national defense modernization; and that “strengthening military by science and technology” is an important channel for national defense construction. We can not copy a certain kind of development strategy model abroad but should adopt a compound development strategy with Chinese characteristics to promote the all-round economic rejuvenation from all aspects and lay a solid material and technological foundation for the development of national defense.
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