Preparation of CdTe nanocrystal-polymer composite microspheres in aqueous solution by dispersing met

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fctznh
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Highly fluorescent CdTe nanocrystals were synthesized in aqueous solution, and then processible CdTe nanocrystal-polymer composites were fabricated by coating the aqueous nanocrystals with copolymers of styrene and octadecyl-p-vinyl-benzyldimethylammonium chloride (SOV- DAC) directly. A dichloromethane solution of CdTe nano- crystal-polymer composites was dispersed in the aqueous solution of poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) generating highly fluo- rescent microspheres. Experimental parameters such as the concentration of nanocrystal-polymer composites, the con- centration of PVA, and stirring speed which had important effect on the preparation of the microspheres were investi- gated in detail with fluorescent microscope characterization. Highly fluorescent CdTe nanocrystals were synthesized in aqueous solution, and then processible CdTe nanocrystal-polymer composites were fabricated by coating the aqueous nanocrystals with copolymers of styrene and octadecyl-p-vinyl-benzyldimethylammonium chloride (SOV-DAC) directly. nano-crystal-polymer composites was dispersed in the aqueous solution of poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) generating highly fluo- rescent microspheres. Experimental parameters such as the concentration of nanocrystal-polymer composites, the con- centration of PVA, and stirring speed which had important effect on the preparation of the microspheres were investigated in detail with fluorescent microscope characterization.
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