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持续不断地编纂地方志,是我国独有的延续两千多年的优良文化传统。自隋、唐确立史志官修制度以来,历代都把修志作为一种官职、官责,并颁布政令对修志进行统一规范。新中国成立后,党中央、国务院高度重视地方志工作,全国首轮社会主义新方志的编修取得了令世人瞩目的成就,全国首轮省、市、县三级志书规划编纂6000余部,截至2005年,已出版5000余部。这些成果为我国经济社会发展提供了不可替代的精神动力、信息服务和智力支持。地方志工作作为一项承上启下、继往开来、服务当代、有益后世的文化基础事业,已成为社会主义先进文化建设中的一项系统工程,发挥了资政、存史、教化的重要作用。2006年5月18日中华人民共和国国务院令第467号公布了《地方志工作条例》(以下简称《条例》),这一《条例》的公布实施,为进一步规范地方志工作,促进地方志事业的振兴与发展提供了法制保障。因此,作为各级人民政府必须带头学习好贯彻好。伊春市新编地方志工作从1983年开始起步,在市委、市政府的正确领导下,创新求实,取得了不少成绩,也出了一系列成果。志书和年鉴在全市 The continuous compilation of local chronicles is a unique fine tradition inherited for more than 2,000 years in our country. Since Sui and Tang established the system of Shizhi official repair, since ancient dynasties took ChiZhi as a kind of official post, official duty, and promulgated the government ordinance to carry out the unified standardization of Chi records. After the founding of New China, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council attached great importance to the work of local chronicles and the editorial achievements of the first round of socialism in the country were remarkable. Over 6,000 volunteers were enrolled at the provincial, municipal and county levels in the first round of the country, In 2005, it has published more than 5000 department. These achievements have provided irreplaceable spiritual motivation, information service and intellectual support for the economic and social development in our country. Local history work has become a systematic project in the construction of advanced socialist culture and has played an important role in managing resources, preserving history and educating people. As a culturally based undertaking inheriting from the past, continuing to the future, serving the present and serving the benefit of future generations, the local history work has become a systematic project. May 18, 2006 Order No. 467 of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China promulgated and promulgated the Regulations on the Local History Work (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) promulgated and implemented. In order to further standardize the work on local chronicles and promote the revitalization of the local chronicles, The development provided legal protection. Therefore, as a people’s government at all levels, we must take the lead in studying and implementing well. Yichun City, a new local history work started from 1983, under the correct leadership of the municipal party committee and government, innovation and truth-seeking, has made many achievements, but also out of a series of achievements. Chi books and yearbooks in the city