
来源 :生物化学与生物物理进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myloft1d
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弄清癫痫样放电的起始位置和传播方向对研究癫痫机制及其临床治疗有重要意义.为了解决这一问题,应用微电极阵列对低镁人工脑脊液诱导的Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠海马切片的癫痫样放电进行记录.分别用癫痫样放电的两种成分:场电位和多单元信号来确定癫痫样放电的起始位置和传播方向.首先计算并比较了海马切片锥体细胞层位置电极记录的癫痫样放电场电位的起始时间,由起始时间的先后关系确定癫痫样放电在锥体细胞层的起始位置和传播方向.然后用整个切片上记录的癫痫样放电的多单元信号动作电位序列进行互相关分析,进一步确定了癫痫样放电在整个海马切片内的起始位置和传播方向.结果显示,CA3区的癫痫样放电具有比CA1区更高的幅度和更长的持续时间,表明CA3区有更高的兴奋性.对于记录到的同步癫痫样放电,CA3b区场电位和多单元信号均比CA3c和CA1区出现更早,起始位置和其随后位置之间的传播延时与二者之间的距离成正相关.因此,在低镁模型的大鼠海马切片中,癫痫样放电起始于CA3b区并分别向CA3c和CA1区传播. To clarify the starting position and direction of epileptiform discharge is of great significance to study the mechanism of epilepsy and its clinical treatment.In order to solve this problem, we use microelectrode array to detect the hippocampus of Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats induced by low magnesium artificial cerebrospinal fluid Slice epileptiform discharge were recorded.The two components of epileptiform discharge: field potential and multi-unit signals were used to determine the starting position and direction of epileptiform discharge.Firstly, the position of pyramidal cell layer electrode Recorded epileptic discharge field potential starting time, from the starting time of the relationship between the epileptiform discharge to determine the epileptiform discharge in pyramidal cell layer of the starting position and propagation direction and then recorded with the entire section of epileptiform discharge multi-unit signal Action potential sequence cross-correlation analysis to further determine the epileptiform discharge in the entire hippocampal slices of the starting position and propagation direction.The results show that epileptiform discharge CA3 area has a higher amplitude and longer duration than the CA1 area , Indicating that CA3 region has a higher excitability.For the recorded synchronous epileptiform discharge, CA3b field potential and multi-unit signal than CA3c and CA1 area Earlier, the propagation delay between the starting position and its subsequent position was positively correlated with the distance between the two. Thus, in the hippocampal slices of the low-magnesium model, epileptiform discharges start in the CA3b region and respectively Spread to CA3c and CA1 areas.
小米暗恋一个女孩。这个女孩有一个博客,每天都会在上面记录一下自己的心情,通过博客就可以了解她的很多事情。不过小米平时工作比较忙,没有时间经常上网。小米就想,手机可以上网,不如用手机访问她的博客好了。不过大部分博客都不支持手机浏览,这让小米比较为难。那么怎么才能制作一个手机版的博客,让自己随时关注女孩的信息呢?到网上找了一圈,终于找到一个名为Feedm8的网站,它正好满足了小米的需要。    首先登