民营林科所 东阳显身手

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这些年来,东阳市林业局大力开展林业科技推广工作,指导兴办了一大批民营林科所。这些民营林科所已成为该市科技兴林的生力军,推动着传统林业向现代林业转变,使林业经济效益获得了显著提高,大大加快了该市林业生产跨越式发展的进程。 80年代初,东阳市仅有一家公办林科所,林业科研人员只有3人。随着林业改革的不断深化,林业生产责任制逐渐完善,林业科研专职人员增至13人,但还是满足不了广大林农对林业新科技的需求。这时,一些在改革开放中先富起来的企业家,一些有知识、有远见的现代农民,自筹资金,组织 In recent years, Dongyang Forestry Bureau vigorously carry out the promotion of forestry science and technology, guiding the establishment of a large number of private forest branch. These private forestry institutes have become the new force in the city’s science and technology to promote forestry, promoting the transformation of traditional forestry to modern forestry, making forestry economic benefits have been significantly improved, greatly accelerating the city’s forestry production by leaps and bounds. In the early 1980s, Dongyang City, only one public forestry institute, forestry researchers only three people. With the continuous deepening of the forestry reform, the responsibility system for forestry production has been gradually perfected, and the number of full-time personnel in forestry research has increased to 13 but it still can not meet the needs of the vast number of forest farmers for new forestry technologies. At this time, some entrepreneurs who first got rich during the reform and opening up, some modern farmers with knowledge and foresight, raised funds and organized themselves
AMERICAN scholar Alvin Toffler once said that where there is a culture, a prosperous economy will sooner or later develop, and that where there is a prosperous
一、实验目的 沉淀BaSO_4时,Fe~(+++)的影响一般都用还原剂还原成亚铁而消除掉。但资料中介绍的多用Zn粒还原,沉淀时酸度也较高,对大批生产不很方便。本实验的目的是要找出
The fuelbreaks were established in south China from 1950s. With the active work of local communities and state government, the fuelbreaks have been built for 3
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1986年我国公布的《邮政法》规定:“从邮资信封、 邮资明信片、邮资邮简上剪下的邮票图案,不能做为邮 资凭证使用。”笔者在逛旧书市,见到有许多因写错名 址或被污染的企业金
圆柱坐标下的多视角 (孔径 )扫描拼接方法主要针对类似回转物体面形的拼接测量 ,用该方法在对非单一回转轴 ,或者近似回转轴位置远离坐标轴形式的一类物体面形的拼接测量时遇