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学生作文总摆脱不了无米之炊的苦恼。什么原因?叶圣陶先生说过:写作是表白“自我”的。表自己的意,抒自己的情,发自己的慨。这就是作者自身的主体意识。这种表白自我的主体意识,不仅要求作者对自己笔下表现的客观事物有真切的感受,而且要在写作中毫无保留地敞开自己的心扉。表真意,抒真情,发真感,决不允许掺杂半点虚情假意。可是,长期以来, Students can not get rid of the total composition of the troubles. What is the reason? Mr. Ye Shengtao said: writing is to confess “self ”. Table of their own meaning, express their feelings, send their own generous. This is the author’s own subjective consciousness. This kind of self-awareness of subjective consciousness not only requires the author to have an unforgettable feeling about the objective things expressed in his writing, but also needs to open his heart unreservedly in his writing. Table of truth, to express the truth, made real sense, never allow the slightest fake hypocrisy. However, for a long time,
Episodic ataxia type 2 (EA2) is an autosomal dominant channelopathy characterized by paroxysmal cerebellar ataxia. Previous studies suggest that most EA2 cases
The “ applause sign” is a simple test of motor control that helps to diffe rentiate PSP from frontal or striatofrontal degenerative diseases. It was found in
A 27-year-old woman had a history of migraine with aura (MWA) since aged 13 years with mostly two attacks per year. After transcutaneous closure of a secundum a
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Background: Multifocal motor neuropathy with conduction block (MMN) is a treatable disorder that can be mistaken for other lower motor neurone syndromes. Existi