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作者荣科同志是国营经纬机械厂铸工部工程师。最近他在山西总厂试验用「硅铁铜镁」合金,以一次处理的操作法,做出品质满意的球墨铸铁。我们首先应该为他的成功庆贺,并为我国治铸工业又走上了一步而欢呼。读者大概还记得,本刊和其它兄弟刊物在过去登载关于球墨铸铁的制造过程,都分成二个阶段来处理,即先球化,而后墨化。现在把它一次处理完成,因此铁水温度不致降得太低。且铁水球化保持时间,己从普通的10分钟延长到13分钟,这对操作上也是极其有利的。从增产节约的原则上来看,意义更大。单就所用的合金来说,像作者指出,每吨便可省去人民币三百万元。此外因球化的可靠性大大提高;同时又因它的含铜量较二次处理大为减少,而增加了球墨铸铁的重熔性。这对于降低成本和提高品质都起了一定的作用。过去荣同志为我刊撰文甚多,都是他的实际工作经验,这次来稿亦想为广大读者所欢迎,故特提先刊出,以供读者参考。作者在文中曾提到针状铸铁。因为它的耐磨性优,具高强度,将来可广用于如汽车引擎套简等需要耐磨性高的机件上。我们预料针状铸铁是有它的发展前途的。 Comrade Rong Ke was an engineer in the casting department of the state-owned Jingwei Machinery Factory. Recently, he used the “Si-Fe-Cu-Mg” alloy at the Shanxi General Plant to conduct satisfactory quality ductile cast iron with a one-time processing method. First of all, we should celebrate his success and cheer for our country’s governance and casting industry. The reader probably remembers that the publication of this journal and other brethic publications in the past on the manufacturing process of ductile iron was divided into two stages, namely, first balling and then inking. Now that it is processed once, the temperature of the molten iron will not drop too low. And the holding time of molten iron balls has been extended from the normal 10 minutes to 13 minutes, which is extremely beneficial to the operation. From the perspective of increasing production and saving, the significance is even greater. With regard to the alloy used alone, as the author pointed out, RMB 3 million can be saved per ton. In addition, the reliability of spheroidizing is greatly improved; at the same time, the remelting of spheroidal graphite cast iron is greatly increased because its copper content is greatly reduced compared with secondary processing. This has played a role in reducing costs and improving quality. In the past, Comrade Wing has written a lot of articles for my magazine. His practical work experience is also his experience. This draft also wants to be welcomed by readers. Therefore, special mention is published first for readers’ reference. The author mentions acicular cast iron in the text. Because of its excellent wear resistance and high strength, it can be widely used in parts such as automobile engine casings that require high wear resistance. We expect that acicular cast iron will have its future.
机器的高精度和高速度,是近代化机械工业发展的 重要条件。但是,只有当磨料和磨具的质量、数量和品种得 到较完善的发展;磨削工艺水平也得到相应提高的时候, 机械工业才有可
接部11月 日[53]机技广字第349号通报,部苏联锻造专家马拉秋克同志于九月间赴东北五个厂协助工作。根据专家提出各厂锻工车间普遍存在的问题,主要有下列五点,各厂有类似情况