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早期大肠癌(即DukesA,肿瘤局限于结肠粘膜及粘膜下层),手术治疗后的五年生存率可达80~90%,而中、晚期患者术后五年生存率为25~35%。然而,目前手术病例中早期大肠癌并不多,大多数属中、晚期患者。故大力提高大肠癌的早期诊断率是很关键的。如何来提高?可从以下几点着手:1.加强对大肠癌防治的卫生宣教,使病人发现症状时及早就诊。根据统计,当诊断肿瘤时追问病史常可发现从首发症状到诊断时期大约相距6~15个月,多数患者早在一年以前就有症状,因此,要使群众了解防病知识,做到及时就诊,有利于早发现,早诊断。 In early colorectal cancer (DukesA, tumors are confined to the colon mucosa and submucosa), the 5-year survival rate after surgical treatment can reach 80-90%, and the 5-year survival rate of patients in the middle and late stages is 25-35%. However, there are not many colorectal cancers in the current surgical cases, and most of them are patients with middle and late stages. Therefore, it is critical to vigorously increase the early diagnosis rate of colorectal cancer. How to improve? From the following points: 1. Strengthen the health education on the prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer, so that patients find the symptoms early treatment. According to statistics, when a patient is diagnosed with a tumor, the patient’s history can often be about 6 to 15 months from the first symptom to the diagnosis. Most patients have symptoms as early as a year ago. Therefore, it is necessary to make the public understand the disease prevention knowledge and make it timely. Treatment is helpful for early detection and early diagnosis.
美国国家癌症研究所(NCI)和 Biotherapeutics 公司的研究者的最新研究结果支持了这样一种观点,即白细胞介素-2(IL-2)是治疗晚期顽固癌症的有效药物。这些研究报告基本上肯定
病例介绍 例1 男,38岁。因腹痛、腹泻半年,于1979年7月19日入院。查体除右下腹扪及7cm×5cm肿物,余无异常发现。纤维结肠镜见升结肠有一肿物,取组织病理检验为腺癌。同年7月
收集我院有随访结果的大肠癌根治手术后病例431例。病理观察记录采用全国大肠癌病理分析卡.项目归并为14项36个因素。因素量化后输入微机,按低标准 F=2.0和高标准 F=9.0两种
In the past four years,the research of environmental and molecular mutagenesis hasbeing progressed successfully.Here is the brief introduction to some achievem