
来源 :江西农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kkrriikk
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利用一季稻的冬闲田种植席草,可带动一家企业的发展,增加经济收入,是农村调整产业结构的途径之一。1992年我县赤谷乡田西村及宁岗县引种席草50.1亩,平均亩产于草700多公斤,总产值2.5万余元,因原料充足,遂建成一个编织厂,编织席草1.2万条,产值6万元,纯利润1.5万元。席草收刈后连作中稻,亩产稻谷 It is one of the ways to adjust the industrial structure in rural areas that the use of a quarter of paddy fields to plant grass seats in winter fallow fields can drive the development of a company and increase economic income. In 1992, the county town of Red Valley Township Tianxi Village and Ninggang County introduction of grass mat 50.1 acres, the average yield of more than 700 kilograms of grass, the total output value of 25,000 yuan, due to adequate raw materials, then built a weaving plant, weaving 12,000 seats mat , Output value of 60,000 yuan, net profit of 15,000 yuan. I mow even after harvesting Mizuki, rice per mu
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