提起孙毅将军,军内外许多人都很熟悉。他总喜欢穿一身洗得褪色的绿军装,戴着一顶军帽,当他在街上行走时,仿佛是一位普通的战士,迈着军人般坚毅的步履。那一撇由浓黑变花白的胡子伴随着他走过了战火纷飞年代成为他极富个性的特征。 孙毅 1904年5月出生于河北大城县一贫民家庭,童年时没有欢乐,贫困潦倒的家境深深地印在他的脑海。后来他在回忆录中写道:“那时一年到头都是睡土炕,连个铺的东西都没有,家里除了过年吃点白面,平时就是红高粱……记得母亲时常嘱咐我,在外面不要和别人一块上厕所。因为老吃红高粱,拉出的尿也是红的,怕别人笑话。”
General Sun Yi filed, many people inside and outside the military are very familiar. He always likes to wear a washed green faded uniform, wearing a military cap, as he walked in the street, as if an ordinary soldier, walking in a military perseverance. The dark-gray to pale hair beard accompanied him through the war-torn era to become his very personal character. Sun Yi was born in May 1904 in a poor family in Dacheng County, Hebei Province. He was not happy during his childhood and was deeply impressed by his impoverished family. Later, he wrote in his memoir: "At that time, I was sleeping on kangs throughout the year, and there was not even a shop for anything. In addition to the New Year, the family drank white flour and usually the red sorghum ... I remember my mother often asked me not to be outside with others A piece of the toilet, because the old red sorghum, pull out the urine is red, afraid of jokes.