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北京故宫博物院铭刻馆陈列着10个鼓形圆石,上面刻有大篆文字,这便是我国珍贵的历史文物石鼓文。石鼓文于唐初从陕西凤翔田野里发现,至今已有1300余年。经历代学者考证,大多认为是秦刻石,刻石的年代上限为秦襄公八年,下限秦惠文王十三年,即公元前770—前325年。石鼓文原文约有600余字,唐宋时尚存460多字,现仅存260来字。因年代久远,石质脱落,其中有两鼓一字无存。在我国古代,凡纪念性石刻,方的称碑,圆的称碣。因石鼓文记述春秋时秦国君主征猎之事,故称“猎碣”,即圆形的征猎纪念碑。碑文为“四言诗”,由于文字奇古难识,篆刻年代不明,加之历代朝野倍加珍视,使奇特的石鼓文更加神秘莫测。因石鼓文记叙征猎之事,具有鲜明的军事性质,并反映了春秋战国时代富国强兵的战略思想和军事后勤实践,颇有特色。本文拟就此问题作些初步探讨,以就教于军事史 Beijing National Palace Museum inscription Hall displays 10 drum-shaped boulder, engraved with seal text above, this is our precious historical artifacts Shiguwen. Shigu text in the early Tang Dynasty from the field found in Shaanxi Fengxiang, has been more than 1300 years. Through the textual research of scholar, most of them are believed to be carved stone of Qin Dynasty. The upper limit of carved stone is eight years of Qin Xianggong and the lower limit of Qin Hui Wenwang is thirteen years, that is, 770 BC to 325 BC. Shiguwen original text about 600 words, the Tang and Song dynasties more than 460 words, only 260 words. Because of the age, the stone fall off, of which there are two drums disappeared. In ancient China, where commemorative stone carving, the monument called the monument, said the circle round. Because of the drum and drum writing in the Spring and Autumn period when the monarch Qin hunting, it is called “hunting”, that is, a circular monument hunting. Inscription for the “four-character poem”, due to the text difficult to understand the ancient, carving unknown age, combined with dynasties twice as much cherished, so strange stone drum more mysterious. The story of hunting through the stone drum writing has a distinct military character and reflects the strategic thinking and military logistics practice of the rich and the powerful in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. This article intends to make some preliminary discussions on this issue in order to teach in military history
Hydrogenated amorphous silicon(a-Si:H) films were deposited by reactive facing target sputtering(FTS) technique with a mixture of Ar and H2 reaction gas.Fourier
<正> 中国边疆史地研究具有十分丰富的内涵,一部中国史,上下五千年,东西南北中,均有边疆史地研究的对象。为了推动我国边疆史地研究的发展,中国边疆史地研究中心在《西北史地》编辑部的鼎力相助下,从1987年9月始在《西北史地》上创办了“中国边疆史地研究”学术专栏。以中国边疆史地作为研究主体而独辟学术专栏,在40年的大陆史坛上尚属首次。因而,颇得历史学界,特别是地方史、中外关系史、民族史研究同仁的关心与支持,使专栏成为发表边疆史地研究论文、沟通彼此信息的小小园地。
近十年来,手性二氮配体的发展迅速,并已被成功地用于双羟基化反应,Aldol 反应,硅氢化反应等不对称合成.鉴于噁唑啉配体在一些不对称合成反应中的优异表现,以及我们对于具有