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目的探讨连续2年健康体检人群血脂水平和血脂异常的动态变化以及血脂异常的发生率。方法收集2010年和2011年连续2年在天津市某中心医院健康体检中心进行体检的701人的体检结果,包括总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)等数据。对该人群不同组别各年份的血脂水平、血脂异常检出率及发生率进行统计分析。结果 (1)男女血TG和TC含量2年间自身比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);各年份50岁以下TG平均水平以及2年差值的平均水平、各年份30岁以下TC平均水平,均显示男性高于女性,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。各年份50~岁以上男女的TC平均水平以及女性的TG平均水平,均高于各自其他年龄组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。(2)各年份40岁以下男性的TG、TC异常检出率高于女性,而且50岁以上女子TC异常检出率高于其他各年龄组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。男女各年份TC异常检出率均显示随年龄增长而增高的趋势。(3)男性TG异常发生率(20.2%)高于女性(5.63%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=21.846,P<0.01),而男女TC异常发生率(分别为7.79%、4.87%)之间差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.932,P>0.05),并且男女50岁及以上组TC异常发生率均高于50岁以下组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论男女健康查体者各年龄组TC和TG2年间的平均水平和异常检出率无明显变化,40岁以下成年男子TG和TC异常检出率和发生率高于女性,而50岁以上女子TC异常发生率较高。长期进行血脂监测在健康查体人群中非常必要。 Objective To investigate the dynamic changes of blood lipid level and dyslipidemia and the incidence of dyslipidemia in two consecutive years of physical examination. Methods The physical examination results of 701 people, including total cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride (TG), were collected for physical examination in 2010 and 2011 in a health center of a central hospital in Tianjin. The blood lipid level, dyslipidemia detection rate and incidence of different groups in different years in this population were statistically analyzed. Results (1) There was no significant difference in TG and TC levels between men and women in two years (P> 0.05). The average level of TG below 50 years old and the average level of two years difference in each year were less than 30 years old The average level showed that men than women, the differences were statistically significant (P <0.01). The average level of TC in men and women over 50 years old in each year and the average level of TG in females were higher than those in other age groups. The differences were statistically significant (P <0.01). (2) The detection rate of abnormal TG and TC in males under 40 years of age was higher than that of females in all years, and the detection rate of TC abnormalities in women over 50 years old was higher than other age groups (P <0.01). The detection rate of TC anomaly in men and women in each year showed an increasing tendency with age. (3) The prevalence of TG in males was higher than that in females (5.6%) (20.2%), the difference was statistically significant (χ2 = 21.846, P <0.01) (Χ2 = 1.932, P> 0.05), and the incidence of TC abnormalities in both men and women aged 50 years and over were higher than those under 50 years old, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05, P <0.01) . Conclusions There is a change in mean and daily prevalence rates of TC and TG2 between men and women in all age groups. The prevalence and incidence of TG and TC abnormalities in adult men under 40 years old are higher than those in women over 50 years old A higher incidence of abnormalities. Long-term blood lipid monitoring in the physical examination of people is very necessary.
目的 观察盐酸多奈哌齐对血管性痴呆(VD)大鼠海马CA1区神经细胞凋亡及凋亡因子caspase-3表达变化的影响,探讨其可能的保护机制.方法 应用双侧颈总动脉结扎法建立血管性痴呆大
目的 探讨临床护理路径对骨恶性肿瘤患者手术效果的影响.方法 将64例骨恶性肿瘤手术患者随机分为观察组和对照组各32例,对照组常规护理,观察组应用临床护理路径的实施整体护理,比较两组按期手术率、术后并发症发生率、平均住院天数及患者满意度情况.结果 实施临床护理路径组患者对医疗护理的满意度及手术效果明显优于对照组(P<0.05).结论 临床护理路径是科学、高效的医疗护理新模式,能提高骨恶性肿瘤患者的手
目的 评估多层螺旋CT血管造影(MSCTA)及数字减影血管造影(DSA)对颅内动脉瘤的诊断价值.方法 对36例动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血患者分别行MSCTA及DSA检查,MSCTA图像后处理包括采用表面遮盖显示(SSD)、最大密度投影(MIP)、容积显示(VR)及曲面重建(CPR)等方法 进行血管显示.结果 36例蛛网膜下腔出血患者共发现38个动脉瘤,其中MSCTA发现34个,DSA发现35个,准确率
目的 探讨吸烟对肺表面活性蛋白A(SP-A)和肺表面活性蛋白D(SP-D)含量的影响.方法 通过双抗体夹心ELISA法测定11名吸烟者和13非吸烟者肺泡灌洗液中的SP-A和SP-D的含量.结果 非吸烟者肺泡灌洗液中SP-A和SP-D含量均明显高于吸烟者[(3.1±0.40)μg/ml与(1.8±0.4)μg/ml,(1.5±0.2)μg/ml与(0.6±0.1)μg/ml,均P<0.05].结论
目的 探讨洛伐他汀灌胃干预对去卵巢大鼠骨量、生物力学性能及骨代谢的影响.方法 18只6月龄SD大鼠随机分为3组,每组6只:假手术组,只暴露卵巢但不切除;卵巢切除组,切除双侧卵
目的 探讨慢性咳嗽的病因构成.方法 对146例慢性咳嗽患者询问病史,体检,行胸部X线及CT、肺功能、胃镜、副鼻窦拍片、痰细胞学分类等检查,根据检查结果 和治疗反应确定病因诊断.结果 146例患者中明确诊断136例,确诊率93.2%;病因分布:咳嗽变异性哮喘45例(30.3%),鼻后滴漏综合征27例(18.5%),胃食管反流性咳嗽21例(14.4%),感染后咳嗽16例(10.9%),嗜酸细胞性支气管
目的 观察充血性心力衰竭(CHF)患者血清生长激素(GH)、脑利钠肽(BNP)和血浆肾上腺髓质素(ADM)的水平变化.方法 心力衰竭组60例和非心力衰竭组(对照组)30例,分别用放射免疫法和酶联免疫法测定血浆ADM、血清BNP和GH的浓度,同时行心脏彩色多普勒超声测定左室舒张末内径(LVED)和左室射血分数(LVEF).结果 心力衰竭组GH和BNP的水平[(0.83±1.06)μg/L,(115.
目的 探讨改进护理在负压封闭引流技术治疗高龄糖尿病足后对患者生活质量的影响.方法 对先后收治的30例高龄糖尿病足患者进行了常规护理和改进后的强化护理.通过对前期护理工