It's A Boy! Scientists Clone First Male Mammal

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克隆,是20世纪末人类在生物科学方面取得的一项载入史册的进展。我们之所以选取本文,一个重要的理由是,它折射了克隆技术在逐步走向成熟和完善。文章开头第一句,就让我们眼睛一亮!幽默的笔触,智慧的思维,魅力不凡。从此句,我们得知,已有的克隆家族是雌性的“一统天下”。科学家和研究人员甚至担心: …there might be something unique about females.or perhaps even femalereproductive cells,that made them amenable(顺从的)to cloning. 事实如果真是如此,那么,克隆技术的前景就堪忧了。 正在此刻,雄性小鼠 Fibro的克隆成功向世人宣告: …cloning using adult somatic(肉体) cells is not restricted to female orreproductive cells, 研究人员称他们的克隆技术为“Honolulu technique”,足见其自豪与喜悦。生物工程被认为是新世纪前途无比宽广的一个领域。它会给人类带来怎样的福音。世人翘首以待! Cloning is the progress of human history in the history of the 20th century. An important reason why we chose this article is that it reflects the gradual maturation and improvement of cloning technology. The first sentence of the article begins, let us shine! Humorous brushstrokes, intelligent thinking, and extraordinary charisma. From this sentence, we learned that the existing clonal family is a female “unified.” Scientists and researchers even worry: ...there might be something unique about females.or perhaps even femalereproductive cells,that made them amenable(to obedient) to cloning. If this is the case, then the prospect of cloning technology is worrying. At this moment, the cloning of the male mouse Fibro has been successfully announced to the world: ...cloning using adult somatic cells is not restricted to female orreproductive cells. The researchers call their cloning technology “Honolulu technique”, which indicates their pride and joy. Bioengineering is considered to be a very broad area for the future of the new century. What kind of gospel it will bring to humanity. The world is waiting!
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