【摘 要】
Co-seismic water-level and temperature changes of the 2008 magnitude-8.0 Wenchuan and the 2011 magnitude-9.0 Japan earthquakes recorded at 10 observation wells
【出 处】
Geodesy and Geodynamics
Co-seismic water-level and temperature changes of the 2008 magnitude-8.0 Wenchuan and the 2011 magnitude-9.0 Japan earthquakes recorded at 10 observation wells in Jiangsu province are presented and analyzed. The data show that water level responded more regularly with earthquake magnitude and distance than water temperature. The response was different for wells located in different tectonic units, being weaker in central and northern plain, which has a relatively thick surface layer of loess, than southern Jiangsu, which is hilly.
Co-seismic water-level and temperature changes of the 2008 magnitude-8.0 Wenchuan and the 2011 magnitude-9.0 Japan earthquakes recorded at 10 observation wells in Jiangsu province are presented and analyzed. The data show that water level responded more regularly with earthquake magnitude and distance than water temperature. The response was different for wells located in different tectonic units, being weaker in central and northern plain, which has a relatively thick surface layer of loess, than southern Jiangsu, which is hilly.
<正> 本文提出的研究结果与过去的研究相吻合:文化水平低、老年或非白人的被调查者相对来讲较缺乏艾滋病知识,但是这些关系并不总是线性或彼此无关的。在以往的研究中,我们发现黑人被调查者具有的艾滋病知识比白人少,另外还发现,老龄、文化程度低的被调查者较缺乏艾滋病知识。但由于样本容量的限制,在过去的研究里,我们还未能在不同的种族子群中探询艾滋病知识与不同年龄段或文化程度的关系。本文的数据来源于美国国家健康访问调查的一个辅助调查,它是在1987年8月10日至1988年1月
Erythropoietin (EPO), a 34 kD glycopro-tein, is the principal growth factor regulating theproduction of circulating erythrocytes; EPO isessential for committed
In this pa
“我这儿有神奇的东西,你们想不想看?”表哥冲着我们兴奋地扬了扬紧握的拳头。看着表哥一脸得意的样子,我、表妹和表弟忍不住冲上去拽的拽,拉的拉,掰的掰。表哥拗不过,只好说:“别急,别急,你们去端碗水来。”话音未落,表妹就飞一般的跑到了厨房,把水拿出来。表哥将碗放到石凳上,从一叠小纸片中撕下一张投入水中,并故弄玄虚地说:“现在就是见证奇迹的时候了!” 一瞬间,落在碗里的纸片就变成了蓝色。哇,好神奇啊!