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赛课是教师提高课堂教学水平的有效途径。笔者第一次参加赛课前,从准备、修改到完善的整个过程中都进行了认真准备,且自我感觉良好。比赛当天,笔者第一个上场,按照预设一步步实施,但没想到在准备部分的游戏环节出现的意外,让我措手不及。教学片段回顾:二人蹲立,背靠背、手臂互挽前后往返移动10米,再调整位置,左右往返移动10米。笔者本以为对这个练习学生应该很感兴趣,可没想到不少小组移动了几步就散了架,学生狼狈地倒在地上;重新再来,还是配合不好,且前面的小组一散架,后面的小组就跟着停下来,聚在一起,场面一团糟。面对这突如其来的状况,笔者慌了,心里只有一个念头——“完了”没有任何预案,没有一点儿应急措施,笔者匆匆地结束了这个练习。原本兴奋的心情一下子降到了冰点,接 The course is an effective way for teachers to improve their classroom teaching. Before I participated in the class for the first time, I carefully prepared everything from preparation, modification, and perfection, and I feel good about myself. On the day of the game, the author played the first game and implemented it step by step according to the presets. However, I did not expect that the accidents that occurred during the preparation of part of the game made me unprepared. A review of the teaching clips: Two people standing, back-to-back, arm-to-door movement 10 meters back and forth, and then adjust the position, left and right movement 10 meters. The author thought that students should be very interested in this exercise, but I didn’t expect many teams to move a few steps to disperse. The students fell to the ground in awkward manner; when they come back again, they still do not cooperate well, and the team in front of them falls apart. The group stopped and got together and the scene was a mess. In the face of this sudden situation, the author panicked. There was only one thought in mind—“nothing” and “nothing”. There was no emergency plan. The author hurried over this exercise. The original excitement suddenly fell to the freezing point, then
通过室内盆栽实验,研究镉(cd)、锌(Zn)复合污染对栝楼(Trichosantheskirilousii Maxim.)幼苗生理特性的影响。结果显示,随着Cd、Zn浓度的升高,叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素、可溶性糖及
【正】 新乡市博物馆藏有一件1957年新乡市郊水洞窑厂出土的元代铜权。铜权通高11厘米,最大腹径5厘米,权
<正> 目前不少厂家生产的 D,yn11 结线变压器比 Y.yn0结线变压器零序阻抗小,二次侧短路电流大,所以可提高一次侧过电流保护兼作二次侧单相接地保护的灵敏性,同样也有利于二次