
来源 :家庭科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whansiyu
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可以肯定,如今都市里的每个家庭的箱柜、抽屉里,都能找出五六件款式或花色已过时,但成色还有七八成新的涤棉男女衬衫。很多人是舍不得丢弃,可放在家里,嫌占空间费料理;给串街走巷收旧衣服的,又实在太窝气,好瑞端的衣裳只值伍分、壹角钱。 To be sure, today, every family in the city cabinets, drawers, can find five or six pieces of style or color is outdated, but there are seven or eight into a new color polyester-cotton men and women shirts. Many people are reluctant to discard, can be placed at home, too space-consuming food; to the streets to collect old clothes, but also too nemesis, so good-end clothes worth Ng Wu points, one dime.
1.紧贴肌肤的粉底可以使妆容更完善。方法是先将微湿的化妆棉放进冰箱数分钟,当它转冰凉时便用以拍在刚抹上粉底的肌肤上,让粉妆看来更清新和令肌肤有清爽的感觉。 2.为疲倦
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